"It is something," Alex nodded slowly, "But then, we still don't know where the next phrase could be."

"Well, they're all meeting places, right?" Felix asked, looking at Naomi for confirmation. The brunette nodded quickly, wanting to hear what he had to say. "So, maybe the next phrase is where you first met the shadow."

Naomi snapped on her fingers, pointing at Felix while nodding. A large smile on her lips, "That's it!" She said. "Look, I'm going to get it, you guys need to stay here."

"What? No." Both Boys said in unison.

"Yes," Naomi argued. "I will be back but you need to look after the boys. Especially now, I need to do this quick because if Peter follows the compass, he'll be done in no time."

The boys were about the argue again when Naomi cut them off, "I really don't have time for this, I have to go!" She said quickly and started walking into the woods-leaving them no room to argue.

She ran through the woods, the leaves and branches breaking beneath her feet as she did so. She ran towards the small, creepy clearing in the woods-the place where he shadow had thrown her against a large rock, cutting her forehead open.

She was breathing heavily when she arrived there, looking around in a frenzy. She sighed and groaned in defeat when it suddenly started to rain, she couldn't see anything and her hope slowly drained away when the shadow suddenly appeared in front of her.

"It's time," It said in the same eerie voice, Naomi looked up and saw that it was handing her a small paper.

She hesitantly grabbed it, she unrolled it and read the phrase; "So, Naomi, it's time to come out of hiding. If you want to save him, just follow the lightning."

"What lightning?" Naomi asked, looking up at the shadow, the raindrops falling onto her face. Just as she was about to repeat her question, loud thunder was heard. She gasped and looked around, noticing the lightning that came shortly after. She smirked when realizing where it came from, "Skull Rock."


Naomi was running in the woods again, this seemed like all she did right now; running, trying to make it on time.

She sighed in relief when Skull Rock was slowly coming in sight and she was just about the stop running when she suddenly ran into something, or rather someone. "What the hell?" She cursed and looked at Alex and Felix who were following her. "Wha-I thought I told you guys to stay at the camp!"

"Yes, but we're not letting you do this alone," Alex says determinedly, stepping forward and grabbing her wrist. Felix nods and copies his movements, grabbing her other wrist. "We're ready,"

The brunette seemed to catch on and sighed, she nodded and closed her eyes before using her magic to teleport themselves onto Skull Rock.

They were standing right in front of the entrance, Naomi shook their hands off of her wrists and slowly stepped forward. Knowing that this was it, the moment she had been working to.

She took a deep breath and stepped inside, gasping when she suddenly felt a weird change in the atmosphere. She placed a hand on her chest and turned around to see that Alex and Felix were thrown against a tree.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now