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dedicated to  princ3sschristine

Six years, had I been here in the cell, locked behind bars; six year had I been locked out from the open world, my families, it has been six years of eating shit they called food, six year of lying on a stupid bunk. I will not say it is horrible; I totally enjoy it not when inside of me is full of satisfaction, and I intend to spend the rest of my life in here.
I am in D-block, it is made with stones, the walls are stones, the floors are stones, at night the walls and floors are cold, so cold that lying on the ground or resting your head on the wall becomes a pleasure. My cell is just as small as a bathroom, with a bunk at one side.
Opposite my cell is James’, he is a huge bald  headed fellow, eight years ago he had beaten his neighbor’s son to death, for breaking his window glass with a base ball, and was sentence. He is to spend the rest of his life here like me.
We have a hall where all the inmates have their meals, we have a field where we all roam at noon. I remember the first time I stepped my foot on the field it was evening, the moon light was already out, and the usual cold was on its way, the bulbs where already shining bright in their wires. I was new to the whole thing, the place was very strange, and as I walked into the field, I saw over hundred inmates watching me.
Some had their hands folded and some were clapping, I withdrew my steps, and herd them saying at the top of their lungs ‘c’mon…c’mon fight like a man’ I began walking again.
When I got closer one of them said ‘clear the way’ and I saw them clearing a path, the next thing I knew, I was stand right in their middle. Their clapping and cheering increased.
just then James came out from the crowd and the noise faded, he was punching his left palm with his right fist, he twisted his neck and I heard the cracking sound, cold fear greeted me, I couldn’t imagine standing  in front of a guy so big and now it seem I was to fight with him.
My eyes were on his chest, it was bare, his grey overall which every one of us is wearing sagged to his waist, on his chest was the world biggest ‘w’ it was bouncing.
‘Come… fight’ he said and grinned. 
‘Fight!...fight!... fight’ the crowed began to cheer, I bit my lips hard and ran to him, I was attempting a punch him when he grabbed me by the neck, he pulled me up and I felt my legs leaving the ground and was dangling in the air. he looked at the crowd and grin then he threw me to the ground, I fell on my back and hit my head on the ground, I felt a sharp pain.
‘Get up, fight… fight…fight like a man’ said several voices, I stood up rubbing my head ‘come on’ said James beating his chest.
I ran to him attempting another punch, but he cut my hand and twisted it, I fell on my kneels screaming, I saw him facing the crowd laughing, he released my hand and I fell on my face to the sand.
The pain on my right arm was severe, so severe that the chattering and noised made by the crowed sounded many miles away.
I wanted it to stop, but from the cheering the crowed was making, I knew it wouldn’t, they were probably having fun, I knew I had to finished the fight. I stood up and he tried to punch me, but I caught his huge fist, I swung it backward, and punched him on the chest, it was as if I had punched a foam. He laugh hard on my punch ‘weak, very weak’ he said and was about to kick me when I caught his leg, it was like holding a branch of a giant tree.
I saw him limping with  the other leg then I knew what I had to do, I kicked the leg of the ground and he fell hitting his bald head on the ground, I saw him holding his head and rolling in the ground with pain, I saw his eyes going red right in my presences.
The chattering crowd went salient, I stood there waiting for him to stand, but he didn’t, the crowd ran that moment to me and raised my hand up.
‘He won, he won’
For the first time I manage a smile. my hands were still been raised up, and the crowd still chartering when we heard a blast of a whistle, we turned to the entrance and saw some police officers standing there, that moment the prisoners began to dismiss into the prison hall.
It was now very dark, and the sky had been dotted with a few stars, the bulbs at every corner of the field were now shining even brighter, the moon was a full one, the trees in the field where now shadows and the cold had arrived. I was shriving when I walked to James and helped him up.
‘Am James, ruler of the prison field’ he said, we shook hands and then we heard the whistle as it blasted again, that moment we turned to the prison hall and saw a police officer standing over there beckoning of us ‘come over here…’ he yelled.  I was beside James as we walked to the hall.
One of the police officers led me to my cell in D-block, I was surprise to see James laying on his bunk on the opposite cell, I walked to  my bars and held it, gazing at him as the police officer struggled  to lock my bars with the key. The officer was about leaving when James called him and stood up from his bunk.
‘Hey! You, come here’ he beckoned on the officer with his index finger, the officer halted at once and stared at him for a while, and as he hit his baton on his palm he walked slowly to James’ bar.
‘Hey… what about food… isn’t it time, it’s getting late’ James said in a whispered holding the bars of his cell.
‘Listen big fellow, no food for the evening’ said the police officer. 
‘Why… not again, I can’t sleep with an empty stomach… now go over there and get me something to eat’ James said a bit raising his voice.
‘Listen James, this not an hotel where you make orders, this is a prison you eat only when we have food you… good night’ the officer said and walked away.
‘Hi James’ I called still clutching the bars of my cell, but James didn’t respond he was shaking his bars violently that the noisy sound echoed in the corridor.
‘Hey… I am trying to get some sleep here’ said another prisoner to James.
I woke up the following morning to the sound of my bars, when I opened my eyes I saw James outside my cell.
‘Morning’ he said, grinning.
‘Good morning’ I said sitting up from my bunk.
‘Am heading for breakfast! Coming along?’ when I stood up from the bunk I notice my cell was not locked I pushed opened the bars and walked beside James to the hall.
The hall was a every huge one, filled with tables and benches, at the far side was a queue formed by the prisoners who were collect their food.
we joined the queue and collected our food which was served to us on a wooded tray, holding the tray we search for a good spot in the hall and sat down to eat. after eating we returned to our various cells and at noon it was opened again and we were allowed to the field till the evening.
The field was huge, it was just the smaller version of the opened society, it had trees with benches under, where we can sit and be shaded from the sun. they were swings which some prisoners play with, they were stalls and each stalls were man by a police officer, the prisoners could buy whatever they want: cigarette, chocolate, beer and even snacks.
I sat mostly on the trees watching the activities going on, most times I watch James bullying the prisoners taking their cigarette and chocolates and almost of all their beers, just like me he had no one to bring him money or to say hello but as the ruler of the field he could satisfy himself with anything he wants.
when it is night and at the blast of the whistle, we all return to our cells.
My name is Lauren Lawrence this had been my life here in the prison for six years, every night when I rest my head in the cold and stony prison walls, I think about nothing but my past life,  like I said before I never regretted anything, except the fact that I hut Sarah too much for her to bear, I knew her life will never remain the same, I have no idea where she might be right now, but I knew pulling the trigger that night hurt her so much, it broke her beyond repair, but I had to , not when I have seen the horrors of the alpha maze, not when I was betrayed by my only friend, I just had to.
I was a military officer with code number, tree too wun (321), my life was shattered when George sent me to the maze, and I thinking I shattered it the more when I sought for revenge.

thanks for reading, if you love this chapter please vote and comment i am always eager to hear your feedback and takes. thanks for you supports.

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