The Ball

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"So you and Howl" Turnip asked.

"Yeah it's been that way for awhile now" I responded.

"Huh so why not me" he questioned.

"What do you mean" I asked.

"Look (Y/N) I've loved you for a really long time, I should've never left you but I did and I can't change that now" he explained.

"Turnip I" he cut me off.

"Please I don't want to know how you feel about me, let me have my fantasy where you feel the same way about me" he pleaded.

We walked in silence until we got to the tailor shop. Once we got there I looked around for the perfect ball gown. We had spent quite awhile in the shop and it was around 2 or 3 in the afternoon when we left. Once I paid for the dress we headed back to the castle. I took a bath and got ready for the ball.

"Ready" Howl called to me from downstairs.

"Almost" I yelled back finishing putting on my shoes.

"Ok" he said almost in a whisper.

Once I finished, I rushed down the stairs to meet my prince charming in my (f/c) dress. I got to final step, I saw Howl and Turnip sitting on the couch lounging around and talking. I cleared my throat, they turned towards me.

"Wow" that's all he could manage to get out.

"You don't look to bad yourself" I said with a slight giggle.

"Hehe" he laughed and scratched the back of his neck.

"Anyways you ready to go" I asked.

"Of course I'm just sorta star struck" he breathed out.

A slight tint of pink came across the bridge of my nose onto my cheeks. I was completely blushing and it was all because of him.

"Anyways let's go m'lady" he said holding out his arm.

I took it and he lead me to the town car waiting outside for us. I looked back to see Turnip holding the door knob.

"Now don't be to late" he said in a father tone.

I smiled back at him, he winked and shut the door. Howl opened the door and let me get in first, then slid across the seat so he could be next to me. The drive wasn't long and it was nice. I starred out the window most of the ride, looking at the dark night.

*time skip*

I was standing over in a corner watching Howl socialize with some people. I didn't recognize them since Howl never really introduced me to any of his friends. I stood there holdin a cup in one hand and my hip glued to the side of the wall. That's when he caught my eye, his smirk still could set a fire in my soul after almost a year of dating. He motioned me with two finger to come join him. I blushed and slightly shook my head no. That's when he paused his conversation and walked over to me.

"Come join me" he gave me his side smile.

"No way I'll just embarasse you" I said hanging my head.

"You could never embarasse me" he pecked my lips than snaked his arm around me.

He rest his hand on the small of my back and we started to walk over to his friends. We talked and laughed and I even told a few jokes. He just kept showing me off to everyone he knew and it was nice. I had never been shown to the world like this, everyone we meet had gotten to see me through his eyes. They got to see him threw mine, they got to see everything that I adored and loved about him just with a couple sentences that had turned in conversations. By the time we had decided to leave I didn't really want to go, but of course I was tired and didn't want to stand in these uncomfortable shoes any longer. We walked out into the dark cold misty air of the night and waited for our car to arrive. As I started to shake, Howl wrapped his arms around me to keep me warm. I also felt safe in his warm embrace, like no matter how long we stayed like this it would never be enough. The car arrived and shortly we returned to the caslte and found Turnip head asleep on the couch. I covered him up with a blanket and followed Howl up to our room. I changed and so did he, then I fell onto our bed. He wrapped his arms around me and cuddled me close to him.

"I love you so much (Y/N)" he whispered in my ear.

"I love you to Howl" I said and drifted off into a blissful sleep.

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