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I woke up the next day wondering about Howl. I knew today would be long considering yesterday felt like I had waited centuries to come back. I hopped out of bed and went to freshen up for the day. I walked down the stairs to go work on the hats that I had to finish up my work from the day before. As I set to work I heard Mrs. Robinson and the other girls come into the hat shop and go to work on what they were doing. I sat by my window and worked on the hats for what seemed like hours. After a little while it was around lunch time so I decided to go see Lettie.

"Mrs. Robinson I'm going to go visit Lettie I'll be back soon" I said then walked out the front door.

I hopped on a train and went into town. There was no parade or cowards which was very odd considering the center town was always buzzing with people. I walked towards the candy shop where Lettie worked.  Once arrived I saw that there was barely any one in the shop. I asked the lady at the front desk where Lettie was and she and she said that she was down in the kitchen and that she would go and get her.

"Y/N" she screamed.

"Lettie" I screamed and hugged her.

"Oh how have you been have you talked to Margret lately and how's father and mother" she asked.

"Their all good and I usually get a letter from Margret once a month saying how she is" I responded.

"How's the hat shop" she questioned.

"Its ok everyone still works there except for Kennedy she had to leave because her father was transferred to work in one of the France air lines" I answered.

"Wow oh I hope she's ok" she looked sad.

"So how are you how's your job and everything" I asked smiling.

"Oh business has been slow but I did meet someone" she said.

"Really who" I questioned.

"His names Connor I would introduce you two but sadly he's in the army fighting for the king but he does send letters to me so I know how he is but I haven't received one for a couple months now I hope everything's ok" she answered.

"Oh Lettie I'm sure every things are going to be ok" I rubbed her shoulder in reassurance.

"Oh you right I'm sure every things alright" she smiled.

"Ok well I better get back to the shop, I'll come visit you another time. Stay strong and everything will be ok" I hugged her and left the candy shop heading home hopefully before Howl gets there.

*awhile later*

Once I arrived back at the shop most of them had left and went to diner. I went to the front of the shop to close up the shop. Before I locked the door Howl appeared to pick me up for diner.

"Ready for diner" he asked.

"Yes, let me just close up and I'll meet you out near my house" I said and locked the door.

I walked out and meet Howl out in the backyard. We then walked back to his castle and had diner. I meet his friend Calcifre a fire demon who severed for him. Calcifre was very kind and funny. After diner me and Howl watched a film. I fell asleep in his arms, all I could remember from that night was the film and Howl's ability to cook.  

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