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"His last album sold 4 million copies worldwide," Ragnor said proudly. Magnus wished with all his might that Ragnor was anywhere else than here right now. The shocked look on Alec's face as he repeated the word 'million' scared Magnus. "And that wasn't even his best selling album, which reminds me!" Ragnor turned to Magnus and proceeded to insult him rather uncreatively.

"Sorry!" Magnus said quickly to Ragnor without any real feeling. He should be sorry for his behavior toward his friend, but he just couldn't bring himself to care when Alec's face looked like that. There was something about Alexander at the moment that reminded Magnus of a deer caught in headlights.

"Sales were meant to go up!" Ragnor complained. "And you running off the second the tour ended didn't help!!"

"Tour?" Alec asked, shock in his voice. Magnus now knew why he'd compared Alec to a deer. The look in Alec's eyes was one of flight or fight, and Magnus was suddenly anxious Alec was about to run.

"I needed a break. Ragnor, can you please leave," Magnus said to his friend with the worst timing ever. "I need a moment with Alec."

"Oh, is that who answered your door?" Ragnor said, glaring at Mangus.

"Yes!" Magnus almost yelled. "Go away!" Magnus rarely yelled and this thankfully seemed enough to make Ragnor at least turn away and shut up.

"Alexander," Magnus said softly. He'd wrapped the sheet around his waist and stood up, moving slowly toward Alec, scared to startle him further. For a moment, Magnus saw Alec's eyes roam over his bare chest, but then Alec's gaze shifted. "This is what I was about to tell you." Alec didn't say anything and the Magnus's chest twisted with anxiety. "I should have told you sooner," Magnus said gently, trying not to spook him. "But I was worried you'd react badly."

"What exactly--" Alec stammered. "I mean-- who?"

Before Magnus could reply, Ragnor interrupted. "Oh for heaven's sake! We don't have time for this, Magnus! There is a line of flash photographers from your hallway to reception!"

"What?" Magnus asked, momentarily distracted. Why had Ragnor not started with that? "How did they find me?"

"No individual person has taken credit for locating you, if that's what you mean," Ragnor said with a huff. "Though I did offer a reward and everything!"

Magnus's was relieved to hear neither Karla nor Robert had betrayed him to the media, but this also meant he hadn't been as sneaky as he thought he had been. Magnus switched his focus back to Alec, determined to answer his question, but he turned just in time to see Alec disappear.

"Alec!" Magnus called after his retreating back, but Alec didn't turn around or even look back.

Magnus was pretty sure Ragnor was talking, but he hadn't the faintest clue about what. He stood frozen next to the bed, wearing nothing but the sheet he'd hastily wrapped around his waist. He stared at the door Alexander had just vanished through, with Alec's hurt and stunned expression permanently fixed in front of his eyes. What exactly was the reason why Alec had run? Did he just not like surprises? Was this surprise just too much for him? Would Alec have run even if Magnus had been brave enough to tell him sooner? If Magnus went to Alexander and explained everything right now would he listen? Or was there no way Alec would ever be able to accept this? The idea of never seeing Alec again made Magnus want to collapse onto the bed and cry until he couldn't cry anymore but he was still standing still, as if he was unable to move.

"You aren't listening to anything I'm saying, are you?" Ragnor's voice was trying to break through Magnus's stupor.

"Huh?" Magnus said absently, without looking away from the door. Ragnor shoved his phone into Magnus's face. Magnus just managed to read a rather unsavoury headline before Ragnor was shaking his shoulders. Magnus hoped Alec was far away from a computer right now. Very far away.

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