Loki sighed as he shook his head. He mumbled a spell and Elisabete's eyes widened upon seeing his magic heal her bruise. When he had finished, Elisabete pulled her hand away from his grasp and Loki took a step closer to her, his body almost touching hers.

"I am terribly sorry she did that to you, Elisabete. You deserve better." Loki told her.

"Thank you, my king." Elisabete replied.

The way he spoke her name sent shivers down her spine. When her name left his lips, it left a sweet, adoring sound in Elisabete's ears. He smiled brightly as he took her face in his hands and caressed her cheeks.

"You know I'd do anything for you. You're the best maid I have. Truly, you are. You don't deserve this kind of treatment, especially from her." Loki explained to Elisabete.

"Thank you, my king. That means a lot to me." Elisabete grinned.

Loki hesitated slightly before laying a kiss to her cheek, very close to the corner of her mouth. Elisabete gasped softly as she took a step back from him.

"I must go and finish my deeds, my king." Elisabete told him.

"Oh, of course. Sorry." Loki chuckled lightly as he stepped to the side.

Elisabete flashed him a quick smile before exiting the maid's quarters. As the night came, she delivered Sanit's dinner first. She set her food on her writing desk, where Sanit sat at.

"Thank you." Sanit muttered.

"You're welcome, my lady." Elisabete spoke.

"When you go to your king to deliver his dinner, can you ask to see if he will be coming to my chambers tonight?" Sanit inquired.

"Of course, my lady." Elisabete grinned as she bowed her head.

Sanit slowly began to eat her meal as Elisabete made her way to exit the room. She turned to face Elisabete and sighed as she put her head down towards her lap.

"Oh, and Elisabete?" Sanit called out to her.

Elisabete quickly turned on the balls of her feet and flashed Sanit a smile as she nodded her head.

"Yes?" Elisabete inquired.

"I am sorry for hurting you." Sanit spoke softly, keeping her eyes on her lap.

"That is quite alright, my lady. No need for the apology." Elisabete told her.

"I was told to apologize to you. Well, more like ordered to. Anyway, thank you for the dinner. I shall be seeing you tomorrow I guess." Sanit explained.

"Yes. Good night, my lady." Elisabete grinned.

She bowed her head and left her chambers. Once the door closed, Sanit let out a deep breath and looked around the room. She had protested with Loki not to put her in Thor's chambers. It was the last place she wanted to be in all the nine realms. As her eyes landed on the bed, she felt her breath hitch in her throat, remembering the night she had spent with Thor when she thought Loki had died. That was her lowest point and she was ashamed to admit it. Sanit was aware of how Loki felt towards his brother. He would let out all his frustrations about him to her. He'd vent to Sanit, and she listened to him, which is what made her feel worse about what she did. In her defense, she never thought she'd ever see Loki again. Thor had been so kind to her and so caring that she felt obligated to share his bed with him. In her mind, Thor expressed how much he truly loved her, in that one night. In the time she visited Loki, Thor was always there to make conversation with her. He could have been a better option for her than Loki. However, during this time, she could never tell Loki what she did with Thor. Sanit was fully aware that Loki would be devastated to know of her infidelity, especially with his own brother, the same brother that he would love to strangle to death.

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