Figures in the Shadows

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Kimi's POV:

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

I gasped, but couldn't tear my gaze away from the suspiciously empty car.  How was no one in there?  Better yet, why was no one in there?  It could be a hit and run situation.  Then this whole ordeal would be considered an illegal crime!  Did that mean that I was now involved?

I decided not to touch anything so my fingerprints wouldn't be smeared all over the car.  I backed up, slowly, and reached for my cellphone.

Hastily, I dialed the emergency number.  A muffled voice on the other end responded.  I then proceeded to inform them of my findings, and told them of the mysteriously vacant vehicle.  When I had finished my unexpectedly lengthy report, I hung up and waited until the police arrived.  At least, that's what the emergency operator instructed me to do.

As I placed my phone in my shorts pocket, a sudden swoosh, off to the right, caught my attention.  It mimicked the sound of someone jumping rapidly through the air, and landing softly on the pavement.  

I spun around, staring into an intimidating alleyway.  I hadn't noticed in on my first arrival, because my attention was wrapped around the crashed Sudan.  Thank goodness I hadn't noticed it early, because I wouldn't either run away screaming or dropped dead.  Literally.

My surroundings were creepily silent as I stepped towards the dingy alleyway.  It was so quiet, the only thing I could hear was my heart thundering in my ears.

"Hello?" I said, almost in a whispr.  If there was a hit and run criminal involved, then I might be in serious dnager.  I prayed that that wasn't the case.

"Is anyone there?" I tried again, but again recieved no reply.  "The police are on their way.  It's okay if you crashed your car.  I'm sure it was an innocent accident."

No reply.

A warning shiver crawled down my spine as I further approached the alley.  Dumpers were tipped over, spilling out its reminances.  I winced in disgust as I continued to study the alley.  It was dark - frighently dark.  That's what made the entire situation even creepier.  Here I was, a mild fifteen year old, facing a possible escaped convict!!

It was both thrilling to the core and scary.  

A rush of audrenaline coursed through my veins as I heard another noise.  Something, or someone, was definitely in there.  Every step seemed to echo off the walls.  My heart continued to beat rapidly, growing faster and faster each growing minute.  

 Just then, a figure appeared.  It was there and gone like a dream, but it was there.  A person, amid the darkness, dressed in a dark purple suit, black mask covering their face.  They stared at me for a shadow of a second before leaping off into the darkness.

I felt frozen.

Nothing inside of me was functioning.  My heart nearly stop beating and my apendagies were still with fear.  Thankfully that person didn't decide to attack me, because they wouldn't finished me with a single, involentary, blow.

Who was that person?  

The victim?  Another witness?  An unfortunate cos player?

I only broke my manaquin behavior when I heard a raging police siren.  I turned slowly around to see a police car parked behind the destroyed Sudan.  Two heavy officers emeraged from their vehicle, whistling at the damaged car.

"Wow Jillbert, have we got a case in our hands!" the shorter one exclaimed.

"Excuse me, officers!" I waved them down and they exchanged looks with each other.

"Are you the little girl that phoned in earlier?"

I nodded shyliy.

"What can you tell us about this vehicle?"

I then informed them of all I knew.  Well, leaving out the part about the person in purple in the alley.  They probably wouldn't believe me.  After all, to them, I was just a little kid.

"You did the right thing, phoning the police," the older, thinner one, said admiringly, eyeing the banged up car.

"Now, miss...?" the short one began.

Oh great, an interigation.

"Kimi - Kimi Adams."

"Right, Miss Adams, have you ever seen this car before?"

"I've seen cars like it.  Though I couldn't identify it as anything spesific."

"In other words," he said, removing a small notepad from his toolbelt; "no one in your family or circle of friends owns a car like this?"

I shook my head after a silent moment of thought.

"Ah, I see.  You're positive?  Okay.  Where do you live?"

"Chincho Lane.  My mother owns a small bakery."

"Chincho Lane?" he repeated, sounding slightly astonished.  "That's quiet a far distance, don't you think?  What're you doing all the way over here?"

I contemplated whether or not I should lie or tell the truth.  Lying to an officer was bad, but it was better than being called "a little girl" or "kid."  So I decided to make something up on the spot.

"I was...visiting my Grandmother Gwinessa..." I plastered a fake smile and hoped that he'd believe me.

The other officer slapped on a pair of blue gloves and was observing the car.

"How do you spell that?"


"Can she voutch for you?"

"uhm- she's dead- I mean asleep!" Wow, Kimi, way to blow your cover.

The officer raised a quizzical brow but wrote down my statement.  "Do you now when she'll wake up?  And how did you know that?"

"She told my mother over the phone..." I lied swiftly, fiddling my thumbs behind my back.  Either I was an amazing liar, or this officer was extremely dumb.  I decided on the ladder.

"Thank you, Miss Adams.  If we need any more information we'll be sure to contact you."

With that, I headed nervously down the sidewalk and towards my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2017 ⏰

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