I turn to Nina. 'God they just like boyfriends.' Nina starts to laugh. 'Yeah, I was happy Matteo was in Italy though. Now I have to share him.' I don't really hear her last comment as I was caught by surprise about the Italy thing.

'He lived in Italy?' 'Yeah, his dad moved there for work so he had to go with. He is half Italian so I don't think it was the end of the world but I think it still would be really weird if you move across the world and have to leave everything behind.' I nod. I didn't move all across the world but still from Mexico to Argentina was difficult for me.

'When did he move though?' 'You never saw him right?' Nina asks me and I shake my head. 'Then I think it should be like around two years ago. Just before you moved here.'

'You know I am standing right here?! I can hear that you are talking about me.' 'I didn't want to interrupt your moment.' I say while pointing between Gaston and Matteo.

'Ah, right. Of course. Not because you are interested in me?' 'I just wanted to know who you are.' I shrug.

'King of the piste. Nice to meet you.' He responds. 'I thought your name was Matteo?' I snap back. 'Are you sure you never heard about me?' He asks with a smirk. 'Yeah, pretty sure. Apparently, you weren't that big of a deal as you think you were.'

'You never told me who you are?' he asks me. 'I told you, I am Luna.' 'No, but I mean what your deal is. You weren't clearly here when I left'.

What is that supposed to mean? Clearly?

'I think I would've remembered you.' I really don't know what to say so I keep my mouth shut. My head is making loopings trying to understand what he is doing.

'Who would've you remembered honey?'

Of course. Of course, he is dating Ambar. I knew she had a boyfriend. I didn't know it was Matteo. But it makes complete sense.

He turns towards her and gives her a kiss.

'Luna.' 'Why?' she asks a bit offended. 'Because it is Nina her best friend. I think I would've remembered if Nina had friends.'

Gaston slaps Matteo his arm and mouths 'what the fuck man' Matteo mouths 'I'm sorry' back.

'Of course, you would've remembered that. There are still miracles in the world. But I see you met Luna. This is the girl I told you about. She is the daughter of our employees. The ones who moved with us from Cancun to Buenos Aires, because my godmother insisted, I wasn't too keen about it.'

'I remember yeah.'

'She also skates in Jam & Roller, so if you want a good laugh you have to watch her.'

'You remember who won last year's competition right?!' 'Only because I wasn't competing.' 'Keep telling yourself that.' I snap. She rolls her eyes. 'We need to go to class.' and before Matteo can something else they were already gone.

'I have to go too' Gaston says and gives Nina a kiss on her cheek. 'Sorry about them' he quickly says while he tries to keep up with Matteo and Ambar.

'Sooooo you and Matteo' 'NINA' 'What?' 'We should go to class, I don't want to be late for our first class back.' 'Oh look, suddenly she likes school.' she giggles. I roll my eyes and we walk to our classroom.

Nina and I walk into Roller, she goes directly to the lockers to change into her skates while I search for Simon.

He sits on the stage where he is strumming the guitar. Something that sounds like a new song.

'SIMON' I yell next to his head. He jumps and turns his head to stare directly into my eyes. He yells back. 'LUNA' and we laugh. I give him a hug and go sit opposite him on the stage.

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