Streets and Death

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The rebellion landed on the streets of Bristol and saw the chaos descending upon the innocent. Human bodies were already strewn across the concrete and vampires were vandalising everything in sight to reach the hidden ‘meals’ who foolishly believed that they were safely locked away in their homes.

Lilia stood on the roof of a supermarket, shaking her head as Kaleb commanded the troops of their own to wipe out Sullivan’s minions and save as many of the humans as they could. It was a risky battle, but they all knew that they couldn’t let the Vampire Lord get away with an attack like this.

“Aleka must’ve reached the castle.” Lilia said softly as Kaleb turned to check on her. “This is her home. It’s the only reason why he’d order a slaughter.”

“She must’ve seriously pissed him off.” Kaleb sighed, looking across at the torn witch. “We need to do this for her, Lil.”

“I know. I just hope that she’s still alive when we’re finished.” Lilia shook her head and launched a powerful fire attack from where she stood as Kaleb tossed himself from the ledge, launching himself into the battle.

Aleka cried out as her back smashed into the stone walls. Sullivan was much stronger this time around and it was becoming evident that walking to the castle had not been the best of ideas. She was tiring fast and the sweat and blood trickled down her body, mingling and spurring on the rage filled Lord. She sunk to the floor, Sullivan swinging her back to her feet, ignoring her groans of pain as he twisted her arm, snapping it without any effort whatsoever. Her screams echoed and she was close to surrendering to him, but she knew that she couldn’t. She had to fight, she had to kill him. She couldn’t just give in and let him win. Ignoring the searing pain coursing through her body, Aleka focused on her goal and raised her good arm, smashing her fist into Sullivan’s jaw, giving her the chance to escape his hold.

There was no exchange of words as the battle continued. She dodged what she could, but the blows he did manage to land on her fragile frame were enough to cause serious damage. Her blood spilt easily and she had to fight to keep her balance and counter his strong hits. She fell to the floor and roared as she swiped his legs out from underneath him. His back hit the stone with a crack and she took the opportunity to land a few solid blows on him before the unholy power consumed her.

Aleka had felt it when she was here the last time; the time Darien had died, but not again. The burning pain of her injuries transformed into a boiling energy; a flame that burnt brightly from the very core of her soul. The exhaustion and the fatigue provided her with the adrenaline rush she’d needed for so long and the desire to crush Sullivan’s skull overwhelmed her. She no longer felt like a mere mortal girl with tainted blood, but a being with more than just her own life to preserve. Her death didn’t matter to her, but she refused to give it up so easily and with a fast sprint across the room, Aleka used the wall to propel herself to the medieval chandelier swinging high above them.

“You want to run, warrior? Then run, but I will find and kill you.” Sullivan snarled as he looked up at her.

“Try it.” She smirked, the pain in her arm no longer stopping her from swinging from the wrought iron chain.

“I may not be able to turn you or drink from you, but I can rip your throat out without a second of resistance from any power.” He floated into the air and she just laughed. Her fears had vanished and an overconfident disposition had taken its place.

As fast as lightning, Aleka jumped from her stand and landed on Sullivan, knocking him off balance and sending both of them hurtling towards the large window that protected them from the raging storm outside.

The glass shattered, tearing at their skin, splashing Aleka’s blood all over the stone and their bodies. It didn’t faze her though, even when Sullivan regained control long enough to throw her back at the wall of the castle, the harsh stone ripping the flesh from around her eye socket as she grasped onto the remains of the glass, cutting her hand deep as she hauled herself back into the throne room.

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