War and Romance

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“I am not sitting back and letting him torture my best friend!” Aleka threw a dagger at her brother who easily dodged it.

“It’s a set up! A trap! Don’t you get it? If you go to rescue her, he will kill you!”

“Not if I kill him first!”

The vampires watched on as the fight continued. Lilia tried to intervene several times but Aleka was too enraged to see sense and everyone had been attacked at least once by her since Tristan had flown her to the castle.

Darien was adamant on not letting his sister go to take on Sullivan but Aleka wasn’t listening anymore. She didn’t care about plans or strategies. As far as she was concerned, this whole war had waited long enough to come to an end.

“The troops are ready, they’re just waiting for a command. We tell them to go, we let them swarm the castle and even if we don’t end it tonight, we’ll still seriously dent their defences.” She argued when her older brother once again said ‘no’.

“He is too strong.”

“This is why the rebellion is getting nowhere! You’re too busy worrying and fearing what may happen! The whole point of this is that we end Sullivan’s reign no matter what. Strategic planning won’t save lives. It only gives them more opportunity to predict when we’ll attack.”

“Oh, and kidnapping Georgie won’t do that?” Darien replied sarcastically.

“He’s only going to be expecting me and Tristan. If you launch a full on offensive tonight, he won’t see it coming. Not for just some mortal girl.” She explained, deadly calm.

“The warrior is right. Sullivan did this out of anger. His attempts to capture Aleka have been futile. He believes that to toy with her emotions for Georgie, he will trick her into walking into his trap.” Tristan finally spoke up, fed up with wasting time when they could already be on the move.

“Exactly it’s a trap.” Darien folded his arms and looked down at his baby sister.

“For her. Not for the whole of the rebellion.” Kaleb said, his pale eyes glistening with excitement.

“This could be an opportunity. We could be a distraction whilst Aleka and Tristan set about rescuing Georgie.” Lilia was thinking the idea over and it was beginning to make more and more sense to the tall witch.

Darien looked at his comrades in disbelief. He couldn’t believe they were siding with his spontaneous sister when for months they had been in agreement that they had to wait.

“Looks like the rebellion has spoken.” Aleka said, before walking out of the room to assemble the troops.

The night was dark and the cloudy sky seemed to clear as the troops moved forward, slowly, cautiously. Aleka and Tristan watched from the roof of the castle, waiting for their signal. Once the rebellion had infiltrated the Lord’s grounds, they would move. Tristan knew the layout of Sullivan’s castle off by heart and had already devised a route to the dungeons where they could rescue Georgie. Aleka was impatiently pacing the turrets and her finger cracking and mumbling was starting to annoy Tristan.

“Will you stop?” He said sternly, appearing in front of her and clasping her hands tight.

“Sorry, bad habit.” She shrugged, trying to pull her hands free.

Tristan didn’t let go. He stood, staring down at her slender fingers, a glazed look in his eyes as he began to look over her, slowly, slowly, moving his gaze upwards to her face. She gave him a puzzled look as pulled himself away, dropping her hands and focusing his attention on the castle in the distance.

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