Strangers and Stories

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Aleka clung tightly to the stranger as they flew over the high mountains and rushing rivers and vast forests. She wanted to speak to him, ask him where they were going, what was happening, ask who he was, but she couldn’t find her voice or the words for it. It was as if she had just lost the ability to speak. The icy air made the scratch on her face sting and no matter how hard she tried, Aleka couldn’t rid the images of her attack from her mind, but suddenly something else took over, something that reminded her of her voice. “We have to go back! Georgie is still there! I have to make sure she’s okay!” She shouted desperately, causing the stranger to cast his dark, emotionless eyes down at her.

“She will be alright. The others are handling the situation.” He said to her casually as if it was an everyday situation.

“What others?” Aleka felt herself asking the question, despite fearing the answer.

“You will find out soon. Now, please relax, we’re almost there.” His voice was still monotone and his answers still annoyingly vague.

“Almost where?” Her curious nature was starting to get the better of Aleka.

“Are you always this inquisitive?” He asked her with a sigh.

Aleka shrugged silently, wanting to know more but fearing the outcome too much to ask. Instead she bit down on her lip and tried to think about something else. The stranger sighed again. “Any questions you have will be answered when we arrive.”

Aleka looked ahead and a small gasp came from her mouth. Her eyes were transfixed on the large, medieval stone castle that they were flying towards. Candlelight flickered from the narrow windows and the gardens were filled with flowers and fountains. The stranger began to descend towards it and Aleka felt a strange butterfly-like feeling in her stomach as she realised that this castle was their destination. He landed softly on the grassy ground and let Aleka out of his hold. She stood there, staring up at the large stone, frozen, this time in wonderment of the beauty of the place. The stranger cleared his throat and turned to her. “If you intend on spending the night outside then I must warn you that there are creatures that pass through these grounds who will not hesitate to rip you limb from limb. It’s a risk I believe you would prefer to avoid, especially after the incidents of the night already.”

Aleka’s light eyes widened momentarily but then she took another step back from the stranger, reluctant to follow him. How did she know that he wouldn’t try to hurt her too? He was definitely not human and Aleka’s mythological knowledge had kicked into overdrive and every possible solution had suddenly flashed through her mind.

She swallowed hard; a small voice deep within her told her that she could trust this…whatever he was.

She took one step toward him, then another, and another until she reached the heavy door of the castle. The stranger pulled it open with ease and gestured for Aleka to enter the large room inside. She looked around it, staring in wonder at the high ceilings and blood red drapes and carpet, the black iron candle stands and the dim flickering of many flames gave the whole room a gothic feel that made Aleka feel like she had been taken back to the medieval ages.

Aleka turned back to her ‘kidnapper’ and was finally able to get a decent look at him. He had messy, almost wild, deep brown hair and dark eyes that held a deadly but mysterious glint in them. He towered over her 5ft1 frame and beneath the pale white skin was a toned body that male models would kill for. However, she noticed that his face was an emotionless mask and that he seemed tense, uncomfortably tense.

“Tristan? I wasn’t expecting you to come back until the morning at least.” Aleka froze at the sound of a familiar voice and panic filled her as she feared for her safety once more.

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