"Hey hunter why don't you leave these losers and join us" queen bitch said

"Hmmm how about no, why in hells name would I join your nasty ass bitches group, when I'm am with my peeps"

"Because I'm rich and pretty then those girl you always hang out with" queen bitch said with a 'I'm higher than you bow down to me' tone

Hunter was about to say something but I cut him off

"Stop hunter"

"But scarlet"

"No let her keep talking like I said before they all bark but no bite"

After I said that I was about to walk off just until queen bitch was about to pull my hair I grab her wrist and put a little pressure on it and spoke to her with a cold tone

"Listen here queen bitch you can bark all you want but touch me or my crew and I will make you wish you were never born capeesh"

She nodded her head in fear


I let go of her and signal the others to follow after walking through the halls of the school, we all went to our classes, me and hunter have the same classes, I went to my seat and put on my head phones and started drawing, ignoring the lesson since I already know all this, just about to finish the last touches to my drawing, but unfortunately the bell rang after putting everything away in my bag except my music, I was too lazy to move I just sat there on my seat while my feet on the desk.

"Aren't you coming scar" hunter said

"I can't be bothered"


Just when I thought hunter left, I felt myself getting picked up and carried away in hunter arms

"Hunter put me down I can walk by myself"

"No you been pushing yourself to hard, just rest ok"

"Fine, stubborn ass" I mumbled

"I heard that" hunter said

"You were suppose too"

Hunter hug me tightly

"Well aren't you adorable"

"Let go!!"

"No not until you rest and stay cuddling in my arms"


After that cuddle fest we met up with the others at the car park

"Hey how come you are allowed to cuddle with scarlet" Logan said

"Yeah" lee agree with his brother

"Because I'm the oldest and scarlet needs rest until she goes back pushing herself again

"Guys I'm fine and I don't push myself"

Everyone give me a look

"Ok a little bit, anyway lets go home I need to get to work"

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After getting home I drove to my job which I am a DJ and maid, after setting up the music I started to serve some customers but unfortunately there was a giant blond rat with her minions surrounding her, do you know who it is, guess?





No its not Michal Jackson



If you thought it was that blond bitch Paris then you are absolutely correct, so I went to her table and did my job.

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