Harry chicken pox- for Niall_Cupcake_22

Start from the beginning

"You might be coming down with something Harry." Liam sighed sympathetically. The second I'd had my hair done I laid down on of the couches and tried falling back asleep. I just felt so tired and groggy, anything I could sit down on looked inviting.

"As long as it's not the stomach flu again I can manage," I murmured. My voice was kind of distorted thanks to the couch cushion squishing the entire right side of my face. I'd gotten sick while touring plenty of times but handling a stomach flu while juggling meet and greets, concerts, interviews and all the rest was by far the worst. I'd been sick for the whole week and only had a day off which meant total hell for the rest of it.

"I'm pretty sure you have a fever Haz." Louis winced, his hand on my forehead. I shrugged his hand away and put  pillow over my face, "it's probably just hot in here."

"No, it's definitely you. Maybe we should try asking about letting you sit this one out," Louis said.

I snorted, knowing full well that there was no way anyone was going to say yes to that proposal.

"It won't work." Niall sighed, voicing exactly what everyone was thinking.

Louis grumbled a couple of quiet words to himself, "it might."

Nope. It didn't. Not even nearly.

Half an hour later I was bustled out onto the stage and thrown into the colossal pool of hot lights and screaming people. My head pounded behind my eyes as I grinned out at everyone, waving my hands to them. Even if I was hurting, I still liked seeing everyone and I didn't want to do anything that may make them think otherwise.

Liam mentioned to the arena at one point that I had a headache and that the crowd should try quietening down a bit so that I could feel a bit better. Everyone was amazing, their screaming dialed down into excited and sympathetic whispers as we talked to them all. However when Niall mentioned the next song that we would be doing the audience erupted into the same shouts and squeals from before.

I shot Liam a tight smile, at least he'd tried.

By the end of the concert I was so ready to just pass out in my bunk. A bed would've been nicer but I could do the bus for now, at least it was quiet.

I was absolutely exhausted and my whole body felt heavy and sore as I trudged across the concrete to the massive tour bus parked behind the venue. I thought I might fall asleep on my feet.

My balance must've appeared questionable because Liam had his hand on my back as I hoisted myself up the couple of steps into the bus.

Louis poked at my side as he poured all of us a glass of water."You, Curly, need to go straight to bed and get some rest. Try sleep off that fever."

 I nodded and rubbed at my aching eyes. They were watering pretty badly at the moment. I took my glass and dragged myself into the kitchenette to grab some painkillers from the meds draw. My hands were shaking a bit as I tried to pop a couple of pills out of the sheet and upon seeing my frustration Niall got it for me.

"Here Mate," he said as he put them into my hand.

"Thanks," I replied before swallowing the two pills.

I got changed into the usual pair of sweats for bed and then went to brush my teeth in the tiny bathroom. I switched the light on and wet my brush under the tap. I groaned when I glanced up and noticed the couple of spots on my chest. Great, another side-effect of not getting enough sleep. When you were constantly on camera something as small as a hardly noticeable zit could make you kind of self conscious. At least, for me it did anyway. I sighed. No more half open button ups for the next couple of days then.

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