chapter 4

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Third person POV

The sunshine hits Ricky's face, she groaned, "brother.... I hate sun!" She whine, she feel a peck in her forehead, she slowly open her eyes and saw her brother Jack she smiled, both of them turn into human, "are the humans awake yet?" Ricky asked, Jack shook his head as a 'no', "well wake them asshole" Ricky said, her brother rolled down the floor, which he made Ricky giggled "geez! Grow up Brother" she said and started to laugh "ok ok I'm gonna wake them up" Jack gets up and walk out of their room

Jack went to the humans room, he open slowly and saw a human girl, "hey" he smiled, the human girl's eyes widened "you're a human?" She asked, Jack shook his head "I can shape shift girly" Jack smirk, making the girl blush "wake your afraid friend...breakfast is ready" Jack smiled and walk away, leaving the girl blush,

"Hey David... David!" Mary tried her best to wake David which it works "hmmm?" David groaned "breakfast ready" Mary said, David get up and both of went to the kitchen

~After the breakfast~

"S-so... Are you a human?" David asked the demon girl, "we can shape shift" Ricky simply said, four of went to the living room "I'm going killing spree" Mae said slam the front door.

"I'm Ricky Orsini DGSSDD means DeathGamer Shape shifting and half Dream Demon" she introduce "both of us are the same... Except I'm not a dream demon, I only shape shift and giving nightmare" Jack explained "well you two should introduce yourselves" Ricky said, turning herself a human with bat wings "I'm Mary Martinez, 15 years old, I ran away from my abusive parents" Mary introduce.

David's POV

After Mary introduce, It's my turn "I'm David Velasquez, I'm 16 my mom died last 10 years" I tried my best not to cry "hmmm that is familiar" Ricky said in a serious tone "I have killed a woman last 10 years same with you David" Ricky said trying to remember "Ah! So you're the boy who ran away right?" Ricky asked smiling "y-yes" I answered

"I killed your mother"

Tears streaming down my cheeks "WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!" I yelled, I don't care If I die "Look mister FEAR guy, I was supposed to kill you that time, but your stupid mother tackled me, the only way I could escaped is to claw her back" Ricky explained smirking "well I'm going now" She said getting up "where are you going my beloved sister?" Jack asked "I'm going to hell" what she said making me and Mary scared, still.... Tears are flowing out of my eyes "that is where you belong you monster" I hissed at, but she smiled, a creepy smile crept in her face

"Ofcourse that is where I belonged...after all I'm a demon... That kills useless human"

((A/n: I have no quote for this chapter... Peace))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2017 ⏰

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