Chapter one: I've liked you for a while

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Hey guys this is my first boy x boy and I don't know why I just felt like writing it. Anyway if you have any ideas on how I can make it better go ahead and comment thanks.

* Ash to the side------>*


*Ash POV

It was a cloudy day as I quietly sat in the back of the classroom listening to the teacher while he spoke about equations and such.


I decide to look around maybe finding something that could interest me.

Someone's staring straight at me.


My interest has been piqued. We lock eye contact; his dark blue orbs stare at my brown ones. Some sort of emotion flashes through them but it left as fast as it came. I check to see if anyone else was looking but to no surprise no one was. Then an idea hit me, I reached for my eyes and pulled my bottom eyelids down trying to mimic a zombie.

I'm bored, can you blame me?

He sees me and chuckles a little, cute, he then looks at me and pulled the corner of his lips back and sticks his tongue out, I giggle. After a while of looking at each other and making funny faces the teacher notices.

"Can you two stop fucking with your eyes?" Mr. canners says causing the class to laugh. That's what I like about Canners, he doesn't give a shit if it a school or not he will tell you straight out; but me being me I love messing with him.

"I don't think I can Mr. Canners, I'm just so infatuated with his eyes." I retort with a slight moan at the end for effect.

The class laughed again and Canners looked absolutely shook before putting on his indifferent mask again. He then turned around and muttered "idiot" under his breath.

I looked back at my admirer and he looks highly amused then sends me wink, which somewhat cause color to form on my pale complexion.

I look away quickly and we finally turn to the direction of the board but I still couldn't concentrate; so many questions are going through in my head, like who he was or why he was looking at me? I slowly turn my head to look at him again; I realized I never took the time to noticed how handsome he was. He had long brown hair cut in a kind of emo style look, his eye lashes were long, he had a built slender body and he was tall. Unlike me I was petite, and skinny, and had black hair with bangs that covered my eyes. "I should probably get them cut." He noticed me staring at him and smirked, I turn my head quickly and blushed furiously. I tried not to let him notice, and without a second thought it was like a silenced prayer answered, the bell finally rang. I rushed down the hall but he caught up to me.

"Hey wait up." I heard him call. I stopped in my tracks as he approached me walking in a dominant matter making a shiver run down my spine once he's in front of me.

"Hey cutie, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out after school? I'm shylo by the way." I don't know what to say, I mean he was hot and why not make a new "friend", so I'll just go with the flow, "Sure" I said trying, and succeeding, to keep a blush from covering my cheeks.

"What's your name by the way." Shylo asked interrupting my thoughts.

"I'm A-ash." I stutter.


Oh god, why did I have to stutter in front of this Adonis.

Yes, Adonis because he may be slim but was built with muscles that you can clearly see them through his shirt.

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