Some secrets are better off kept inside.

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Amelia was shocked at her fallen angel's secret, a precious teardrop came to her eye, ready to fall, but she kept her stance and didn't shatter into pieces. Her reaction had come after a while, but with the shock, she could only manage "WHAT!, how could you.... why didn't you.... stay away from me you creep!", and with that her eyes poured fountains of tears, and her face changed to a bright red. Emmett on the other hand, had no emotional tears, to show his emotion he closed his hand into a fist and hit a glass window, after that his hand poured with blood, he gave a little "ouch" and also went bright red.

As Amelia reached the door, she turned and glanced at Emmett and saw the blood pouring out of his knuckles, she turned and ran as fast as she could in her silver heels and gave him the "why have you done that" look.

"Why did you do that, you idiot!". Her face was red with anger, she ripped a piece off her, beutifully decorated gown and wrapped it around Emmett's massive hand.

"I did it, because it's my way to tell you not to go, and to say i love you, you're ny fallen angel ". His voice was as calm as a waveless sea.

"Why resort to violence, to tell me that, besides why didn't you tell me you're a vampire". Her voice was a broken lullably growing with sound as the words jumped  off her lips one by one as her anger grew to boiling point.

"Because some secrets are better off kept inside". His bold eyes staring inside her Emerald gems, at once the room became so silent, it was like Amelia and Emmett were in their own world.

As Amelia got up to go, Emmett grabbed her hand and gave her a pleading look as to say "please say you love me too, please!". She stared at him for a split second and walked to the door and was about to go when she turned back and said, with a sweet smile "I love you to my risen Vampire". With that she came back again and touched Emmett's cold lips, with her soft, deep red lips, and she hid her Emerald gems, and he hid  his bold, mezmerizing eyes, and they both shared a passionate kiss,  was this the signal, that it was the start of a new beginning, new start and a new relations

Was this the start of a safe and secure relationship, or was it a deadly and dangerous twist in the story?, read on to find out...........

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