My Arrogant Prince Charming

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Tonight was the school disco, the Autumn fall Ball, and i obviously didn't have a date, as i am still classed as a 'new girl', in willow high, a new girl, is classed as a weird, unimportant, impressionable person, for a whole week!, it's like a boy wants to be in a gang, but has to go through an initiation test, but for a week. At the moment my life here in willow high is shit.

At least i made a friend, her name is Alex, 2nd most popular girl in our year luckily she's pretty fit like me, not that i'm boasting or anything, and us two girls can get guys at our feet begging for us to be their dates, so they can get a bit of publicity, haha. Anyway Mr Maurie has told us that all of the girls and boys in our population have to meet up at the hall, he claims its urgent, great my poor feet have to be tortured even more to go to the big hall, which all the way on the other side of campus. Poor feet.

So here i am breathless with my best mate Alex and who do i see? Emmett, his smile so wide his eyes so bold, that he looks like he can explode with joy in seeing me. Brilliant... NOT!. Mr Maurie made us stand in line with the boys directly opposite. It was like primary school all over again. Anyway he comes round with a card and tells me 'Don't look at it until i say so', although i'm tempted to look i move my gems elsewhere. The boys get a card and we all look, mine has a name on it and so does Alex's, i shout

'What's this Sir?!'

He replies in an assertive but calm voice

'Ah Cassandra, thanks for reminding me, boys and girls the card in your hand, decides who you are going to the ball with, you may look at your card'.

In sync all of us turn our cards and there is a shrill noise of screams with happiness, groans with annoyance and sighs with emphasis. Alex screamed with joy as she got who she wanted Chris, the lead boy in Rugby, good for her, who was i with? you got it right, i was with the one and only Emmett Van Clause, Yippee.. not.

I walked towards him, he walked towards me, we met halfway and at once i began my list of do's and dont's for tonights dance.

' Don't try to wheel your hand where it's not wanted'

'Do get me a drink when i want it'

'Don't embarrass me on the dance floor, or i'll go home'

'Do pick me up at 7 sharp and drop me off at 12, no later, you hear me?'

Emmett as usual didn't take my orders seriously, instead he laughed and thought i was joking, what a jerk, although he doesn't know my past times at dances, so i let him off. It was his turn, to give me his orders, oh god.

'Don't tell me what to do all night, or i won't be happy.'

'Do have a good time with me and enjoy yourself'.

Don't leave me on the dance floor, because i don't want to make a joke out of myself in front of my mates.'

'Lastly do wear something appropriate, so that i don't tempt myself, because of your beauty, you here me, i'll see you at 7'. And with that he walked off, as if thinking, she's under my thumb.

Tick Tock, Tick Tock, the time goes as slow as a snail, as i get ready to meet my (not preferred) date, Emmett. I slip on my dress which covers my slender figure, so it doesn't provoke Emmett, my hair is almost done, just adding the last few hairslides and my makeup cakes me to perfection, a hint of eye liner to make my green gems shine. Finally it's 7.00, but to my surprise the arrogant Emmett hasn't arrived, 7.10, 7.20, 7y.30! still not here, where the hell is he, i think to myself. 8.00 he finally arrives, hallelujah. Knock, Knock, Knock i literally run to the door and fling it open, i'm not smiling.

"Where the hell have you been?" my voice so high pitched the mirror in the hall could crack.

"Er, well, mm" Emmett replied meekly.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2012 ⏰

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