"Hey nicki?" Riri said as she waved her hand in my face


"Why didn't you tell him?" she said

"I'm scared of his reaction. I need safaree! what if he leaves me?!" I didn't even realized that I was crying until she hugged me

"Nicki you have me and trust me safaree isn't going anywhere!"


"Yeah nic?" she said still hugging me

"I can't keep this baby" she stopped hugging me so she could look me in the eyes

"Nic what are you saying?"

"I Can't have this baby! I just keep thinking about the rape! I just can't!" I said still crying "im not having this baby" she stayed quiet and just looked at me "Rihanna say something!"

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she said. I nodded my head yes "Im not ready to bring a child into this world"

"Okay well when do you want to do it?"

"Today" I said

"Okay" she said

"Are you mad?" I asked

"No. it's not your fault that got pregnant"

I hugged her tightly "you have no idea how much I love you Rihanna"

She hugged me back "I love you too nicki"

We got up and Rihanna gave me some clothes to borrow I took a shower and we left to go the clinic. when we got there and I signed myself in and we waited until they called us back.

"So ms.maraj why are you here today?"

I looked down at the ground "well I'm pregnant and I can't be"

"Oh okay well just fill out this paper work and I'll be right back"

I filled out the paperwork and the doctor came back with and a gown and a kit .I handed him the paperwork and he looked over it "ms.maraj if I may ask why are you doing this?"

"Because I was raped and I can't have this baby" I said It hurt even just to say that

"Here take this gown and go put in on" he said I walked to the bathroom and put it on. I was relieved that it wasn't the kind that's opens it the back. I walked out and the doctor and Rihanna were talking about something they stopped talking when I came out.

"Okay ms.maraj come over and sit on the counter" he said

I sat on the table and he started to explain the procedure "okay so to begin we..." I sat there listening to what he was about to do to me. My heart dropped I felt so bad that I started to cry. riri grabbed my hand and tried to comfort me.

"Ms.maraj are you sure you want to do this?" The doctor said

"Yes I need to" with that he told me to hold out my arm and he gave me a shot that had some type of white stuff in it and soon the room became dizzy and I fell asleep.

Several hours later

I woke up and I felt drowsy. Rihanna was looking at me "is it done?" I asked her. she nodded her head yes and a little relief was lifted of my shoulders but at the same time is was still so scared of what safaree would think. The doctor came in.

"Oh good ms.maraj your awake. the procedure was successful and your all good to go but over you're going to be sore and the bleeding should stop soon too.

He checked my wound one more time before he released me. I got up from the table and I was extremely sore and groggy. We were walking out of the office when I ran into this girl from school "hey brandy" I said

"Hey nicki! what are you doing here?"

"Oh just a simple check up" I said lying "what are you doing here?"

"Well my dad works here so I help out around here"

"Oh okay well I gotta go brandy see you at school" I said as me and riri walked out of the office. riri drove me home and I got and the car and thanked her for everything and walked inside the house

"Safaree?" I said as I walked into the house. he came downstairs and hugged me

"Hey babe" he said as he pecked my lips "I missed you"

"I missed you too"

"Riri called me and told me" he said. I started to get nervous

"Nic just tell me are you pregnant?"

"Not anymore" I whispered

"What!?" he said

"Not anymore"

"Nicki!! how could you!!" his tone was angry and it scared me. This was the type of reaction I didn't want to happened. he sorta pushed me and went up stairs to his room. I followed him "safaree wait! please let me explain!"

"No nicki I don't want to hear it"he said as he slammed his door in my face"

I went to my room and broke down. two weeks ago I was raped and I got pregnant by once of the sick bastards that did it. I killed the baby and now my boyfriend hates me. how couldn't get any worse!

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