Saying Goodbye for Now

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It's positive. "Niall." I feared he might leave. Niall came in and took a look and his face went pale. He cursed under his breath. "Babe I need to tell you something." He said seriously. I prepared myself with the worst. "Management said that if this happened...I cant be with you." I froze. Oh....

2 years later

I havn't seen Niall in 2 years already. I've lost all contact with the boys. I got money to go back home. Jessica was nice enough to have me back in the house. I have gave birth to a beautiful girl. Lucy looks EXACTLY like Niall. She has blonde hair and sparlkling blue eyes. (picture of Lucy is on the left)Today is her 3rd birthday and this is going to be another year with her not having a daddy. "Lucy wake up." I sung. "Guess who's birthday it is!" I yelled. Instantly she woke up and started yelling with joy. "Mummy is daddy coming over today?" Lucy asked. My heart broke. Either I can lie and say yes and then him not showing up, or say no and still break her little heart. </3 "Im sorry Lucy, but I don't think daddy will be home anytime soon. I heard a knock at the ddor and Jessica and Zac came in. Jessica had a cup-cake in her hand and Zac had a little wrapped present in his. "Happy birthday!" They said together. Lucy ran up to them and gave them  hug. Zac gave her the present to open, when suddenly the phone rang. "I'll get it" Jessica said. She went downstairs and answered the phone. "Gaby, it's for you!" She yelled. "Lucy, be good with Uncle Zac while im downstairs. Okay?" I got up and went downstairs and thanked Jessica for the phone.

"Hello?" I asked "Hello Gaby, how have you been?" I recognized that voice. "Paul?" I asked again. "How's it going kido?" He said happily. "Hey I really can't talk now Paul, I'm sorry. I have to get ready for my kids birthday party." I said. "Oh, well. Would you mind telling me your address? I would like to send a gift." He asked. "Umm, okay." I gave him my address and he said he will drop off the gift around 2. I look at the clock and it was going to be noon. I hung up and went upstairs to get Lucy ready, while Jessica and Zac set up for the party. Since my parents aren't here, Jessica and Zac were going to invite their friends over. I got Lucy ready in a pink shirt and little leggings. We went downstairs and all of Jessica's and Zac's friends were here. Lucy got so excited when we made our way downstairs. "Happy birthday Lucy!" They chanted together. "Say thank you Lucy." I said to her. "T-thank wou" She said. She went to go play in the bouncy castle with all the other little kids. 

2 O'clock came around and the doorbell rang. Lucy and I got up from my seat and opened the door. "Paul! What a great surprise!" I said. Lucy ran outside to see if their was anyone else. "Mummy! Mummy!" She cried. I walked past Paul and went up to Lucy. "What's wrong?" I asked. She pointed past me and said, "Mummy, is that daddy?" I looked at Paul and gave him a oh-no-you-didnt look. I turned around and saw Niall. "Mummy, is it?" She asked. Niall came up to both of us. "Yes, yes im daddy sweet heart." He smiled at Lucy. She looked up at me, asking for permission to go hug him. I nodded and she ran up to Niall screaming 'Daddy youre home, daddy youre home'.

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