"Y-Yes. I know, but I can't just bathe in that," Wendy says, trying to sound a lot more confident as she straightens her posture.

Naomi scoffs, shaking her head and crossing her arms over her chest, "Unbelievable," She mutters under her breath. She looks back at Wendy, "And why's that?"

"Because, it's way too cold. I'll get sick."

"Too-too cold?" Naomi says, laughing humourlessly shortly after. A flash of irritation came over her expression and she looks at Wendy. "You asked why I don't like you. Do you still want to know?"

Wendy thinks for a while before saying, "Yes."

"I despise you because everything you have, your family, your friends, your house, your money, your food, you take it for granted! You think that it's just a normal thing to have but it's not!" Naomi says, her voice rising and before she knew it, she was yelling. "I was abandoned at the age of twelve! I had to take bathes in a river! I had to fight and steal to provide food for myself! I lived in a small cottage in the woods!"

Naomi shakes her head, clenching her fists to stop her from hitting something, or rather someone. She takes a deep breath, "You have everything, everything! And you still find something to complain about! How do you even do that? You make a problem about nothing and you cry when you get some dirt on you?" She glares at her, releasing a deep breath to calm herself down. "And that is why I don't like you, Wendy Darling."

And for the first time in history, Wendy Darling was absolutely silent.

She didn't know what to say, because even though she wanted to scream at Naomi, tell her that she was wrong-she couldn't. She did take it for granted, thing is that she never realised it until now.

"Just-" Naomi cuts herself off, feeling way too aggravated to stay around the blonde girl any longer. "I've to go, just hurry up and go back to the camp when you're done."

Naomi uses her magic to make a couple of clothes appear on the rock, a large towel next to it. She knew that Wendy would be way too scared to run off and decided to walk away.

It seemed like everybody was trying to push her buttons today, first the shadow and now Wendy. She sighed and knew that it would be three strikes and she'd snap.

This is Strike One.


The brunette had stormed off towards god knows where, she just needed to get out of there. Naomi was still angry and irritated while she stepped out of the woods, stopping at a large cliff.

She frowned and released a deep sigh, throwing a hand through her long, brown locks. "Skull Rock," She mumbles while seeing the large, separate Island. She rolls her eyes and adds sarcastically, "Just what I needed to see."

She was panting a bit because of the running she just did and walked over to a rock, she sat down on it and looked back at Skull Rock.

It was like it was laughing at her, with it's sickening look and the tiny cracks in the skull. She knew what to do, she knew where it had to be done, the only problem was that she couldn't, not yet was what the shadow had said.

"Not yet my arse," Naomi mutters, still talking with her accent. "If I can safe him I'm damn well going to do so."

She looks around, smirking when she realized that the shadow was nowhere in sight. She stands up from the large rock, unsheathing her sword and she was just about to walk towards Skull Rock when she was thrown back against a tree.

THE TRICKSTER ━ PETER PANWhere stories live. Discover now