honest opinions. // Aizat

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Okay. I'm not tagging because (you'll probably be mad at me/nanti ramai haters)

Aku tak faham kenapa kome (tak suka/benci) budak tu. Apa salah dye?


Aku tau kau benci Aizat sebab dia laki dan dia rapat dengan aku. Eleh, kau dengan 10 (atau lebih) orang ex kau tu dulu, aku hormat je relationship korang? Kenapa aku dengan Aizat je pon kau maki hamun dye? (OK, mungkin takde maki hamun, tapi kau still tak respect.) It should be equal; I respect yours and you respect mine. Oh, and a reminder. My RM28. I need it.


Okay. I see that you're getting fine with Aizat. Good. But please, if I interact with him, don't disturb our feelings. No middle fingers for him. He's innocent. Dye tak kacau hidup kau pon wei. Jadi, jangan kacau hidup dye jugak. Kesian aku tengok dye, selalu kene buli (i guess) disebabkan muka dye. Berjerawat pon, ah lantaklah. Janji hati dia baik. Hey, at least he's not like Mar - gross. Pasal Mar, ye aku menyesal. Aku suka dye sebab dye suka aku je. Bangang sia Nurin.

I am really hoping that you both will respect our (me & ai's) relationship. We're not that kind of lovey-dovey couple shit thingy. And hey, you guys know my dream, right? Yes, I really wanted a friend who has the same music taste as me. Aku nak buat korang minat rock - memang takleh jadi. So, aku pandai-pandai laa buru orang yang aku boleh luahkan segala perasaan fangirlisma ni.

Mengikut kajian aku, tak ada langsung perempuan lebih kurang umur aku yang minat rock (nak kata Amira Syahira tu, ye jugak, tapi ada ke harapan aku nak berkawan dengan dia? Tak.). Jadi, harapan aku hanyalah lelaki. Lagipun, azam tahun baru aku kan nak ramai kawan laki? Yes, seems like betrayal, but it will be real if you don't respect my relationship(s) with the opposite sex. Nak ke aku abaikan korang selamanya dan berkawan dengan laki je? Aku mampu buat. I don't give a shit anymore.

[If you read this] Do not reply to what I typed above. It would probably break my heart. Leave me alone.

Yang jujur dan teramatlah benar,

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