Entranced, he lifted one heavy breast to his greedy mouth and sucked the hard, pink nipple between his teeth and bit down. Petra shuddered and moaned, throwing her head back against him, her cunt fisting his shaft like a stress-ball as he applied insistent pressure to both of her nipples. One hand pinched, while his teeth ravaged the other, driving her wild with the dual assault. A long, low keening escaped her parted lips and she quivered as he increased the pressure, making her breasts tingle with sharp, electric jolts that shot throughout her body. The erotic pain drove her to grind her pussy urgently onto his erection, her movements becoming increasingly frantic and uncoordinated as she cruised closer to climaxing.

Diego hid his smile against her neck, allowing her to take what she wanted from his body until tiny, fluttering spasms, rippling along his length, warned him of an impending orgasm. Now he was faced with a choice: he could either stop her before it was too late or permit her the orgasm she was trying to steal. As he was nowhere near ready to allow her to cum, he chose to deny her the release she was chasing and gripped her hips tightly, taking back control of her ability to move.

Unable to shake his unyielding hold from her hips, and thwarted from generating the necessary friction needed to orgasm, Petra resorted to the only avenue of recourse left in her stymied position. She fought him. Twisting and bucking in his arms, she tried to make eye contact with him, to show him how pissed off she was but he paid her no attention. Caging her easily within his strong arms, it was nothing for him to trap her while he continued playing with her breasts as if she wasn't writhing like an angry, hissing cobra.

Ignoring her frustrated grunts and whimpers, he marveled at the perfect combination of firm and pliant flesh filling his hands. He rolled and tugged at her nipples, roughly kneading his fingers into her breasts until all thoughts of breaking free were drowned in the flood of overwhelming pleasure/pain impulses swamping her nervous system.

With her temper momentarily subdued, he happily licked, sucked and bit wherever his mouth could reach, savoring the seductive sounds she made as he tormented her. Petra's breasts were one of Diego's most favourite things to play with, but as much as he adored her tits he still had to be careful. She could and had in the past, cum from having them stimulated too much, and he didn't want to accidentally tip her over the edge unexpectedly, spoiling his fun.

Her nipples were just too tempting, and like a child who knows better and doesn't care, Diego couldn't resist giving both a hard pinch at the same time. Petra yelped, surprising him with the immediate, vise-like clench of her vaginal canal as her pussy attempted to strangle his cock. His vision fogged out as blood rushed from his head and dumped into his balls like hot lava, making them ache with an unbearable pressure that strained his control to the limit. Once again, Diego had miscalculated her violent response and had ended up being the one in imminent danger of premature orgasm.

With a herculean effort, he lifted her off his cock, avoiding any further sneaky attempts to goad him into losing control. Her choked gasp was his reward as his retreating erection excited her overstimulated nerves, effectively turning the tables on his devious little subbie. Diego smirked as she whimpered, shuddering in his arms. That'll teach you for trying to force me to cum, little one, he thought, smugly.

As Diego's swollen cock hastily left her core, the sudden burst of friction caused the coil of tension in Petra's belly to slip a few more notches out of her control, bringing her closer to the edge. It would be so easy to cum! All I need to do is let go. It was so damned tempting. Despite being consumed with the need for relief from the burning pressure inside her, Diego hadn't given her permission to cum, and the thought of intentionally disobeying him made her want to throw up. Her desire to please her Master outweighed her own desperate needs making her harden her will and force the rising tide of sensation back, if only for a little while longer.

Lost Souls - Book 2   "Convergence"Where stories live. Discover now