Chapter Two

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Fifteen minutes. That's how long it usually takes for her to calm down and wait for me to apologize for making her angry.
I'm not always the one who does, but most of the time because she says I'm responsible for her getting so upset, and in this case, I have to admit that she's right because I clearly went against what she wanted me to do and saw someone she didn't want me to see.
We're in a relationship and I have to accept her boundaries, even if I don't agree with them.

Sighing, I leave the kitchen and go outside where she's sitting on the porch with Daredevil cuddled up in her lap.
I smile at how cute she looks when she strokes his short fur and talks to him in a baby voice and wish she treated me this sweetly too, but Daredevil also listens to her when she gives him orders. Not that he has a choice as a dog anyway, though. 

"I'm sorry for making you mad," I mumble and sit down next to her. Juliet looks up, her eyes soft and bright again, but her lips are in a thin pressed line.
"And?" she demands and I almost roll my eyes, but that would fuel the fire again. "I won't see Alicia again."
She raises a brow and I nod. "Promise. You don't want it, so I won't do it."
Her full lips curve up in a small smile that makes my heart melt. 
"So we're on good terms again?" I carefully ask and she nods.
"Yeah. I think I'll cook dinner today. What do you think? I'll make some pasta and you'll do the dishes."
It's not even a real offer because she's already decided, but it sounds great, so I unnecessarily agree.
"Sounds good. I'll walk Daredevil in the meantime. Do you need anything from the grocery store?"
We're back the normal life of a couple and that's all I want us to be.
I don't want all these fights and conflicts that never make sense in the first place. 

Her Italian pasta is always delicious and we keep the conversation at the table at the level of small talk so no heated arguments can be caused and I do my chores in silence before I join her on the couch to watch Netflix. Surprisingly, she even lets me choose a show, and the evening passes by with her head rested on my chest, my heartbeat steady next to her ear because there is nothing I want more than have her here like this.
If we could always be this carefree, our lives would be so much easier, but we both know that's not the case. 

The next days already starts as a hustle. I'm late when I get to the studio because Juliet requested me not to wake her up, so I had to be as quiet as possible and took longer than I thought I would, and when I arrive, everyone else has arrived before me and they don't look too pleased. Again, I have to apologize, but at least the guys usually don't make a fuss about it and get back to work.
We're in the mixing process of our fifth record and close to done, but there are a few details we haven't worked out yet.
Jake, our producer John Feldy and I listen to Jake's completed guitar solo on one of the unfinished tracks to make sure it's the way we have planned it to be, and we're almost done when my phone rings.
They both roll their eyes when I pick up because we all know who checks up on me so often.

"Hey babe," Juliet cheers at the other end of the line.
She must have just woken up. "Still at the studio?" she always has to know. "Yeah," I admit. "We're actually right in the middle of something, so..." I try to cut her off because I feel my colleagues' impatient glances. "Oh, sure, I won't bother you," she exclaims happily and I sigh in relief because I was afraid that she would get angry because I can't talk to her right now.
"I just wanted to know how you're doing. Call me when you're done, alright?"
"Always," I promise.

We exchange the usual 'I love you's' and I hang up only to be stared at by two very displeased faces.
"Dude, we're all married," Jake starts, "So we get it. But is it really necessary for Juliet to constantly be in touch with you? It's not like you're gonna vanish any second."

"She just cares," I defend her. "I know it's annoying, but she loves me, you know?"
He rolls his eyes. "We all love our wives, but this is just..."
"Can you finish this later, guys?" John urges and points to the computer screen in front of us.
"I really want to get this done before my lunch today."
Beyond glad that I can escape this conversation, I nod and return my attention to the song. Jake still looks unhappy, but he shrugs and shuts up. 

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