Chapter Thirteen: Who is Penny?

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Chapter Thirteen: Who is Penny?


Steve Rogers: How can you not trust Fury?

Tony Stark: He's a spy, he's THE spy. His secrets have secrets.


Rhodes followed after Fury and Steve Rogers. I was left sitting all alone in Nick Fury’s office. Let me emphasize that. I was sitting, by myself, in a room containing a countless amount of classified information.

I couldn’t help it. It was Fury’s fault in the first place. Where else had I gotten the irrefutable urge to snoop?

I glanced around and then made my way behind his desk. Every single drawer was locked and had a finger scanning pad. There were still files scattered across the desk, though, some of them open. Papers were everywhere, and I couldn’t stop seeing red.


The words stared up at me from dozens of different sheets. I picked up one at random. It had a picture of someone I vaguely recognized, and a name heading the top. Kard, Dean.

I put that away. I was looking for stuff on Ryder.

Finally, I found something.


I couldn’t help grinning, scanning the information.

Loki is the God of Mischief. His powers are not fully known.

That was mainly the extent of the paper. It also referenced Loki’s psychotic nature, which was a given, and also the various chaos he had been involved in. Something at the bottom caught my attention.

It was just a single word. Penny.

I stared at it a minute. It had to be a name. I rifled through the files on Fury’s desk, trying to not make a mess.

I discovered what I was looking for. There was a blurry picture of what looked like a girl leaning on the hood of a car. A guy was standing next to her, looking directly at the camera.

I found the Loki file again and compared it with the guy in the picture on a hunch. It certainly looked like Loki. The girl must’ve been Penny.

I sped read through the words underneath the picture.

1983. Loki and Penny (?). Identity of girl is still not confirmed. Suspected to be Loki’s love interest.

I stopped dead, and reread the sentence. Suspected to be Loki’s what?

Only human connection Loki is alleged to have made. Mumbled the name ‘Penny’ in his sleep after his capture. Surveillance of Loki’s activities during his visit in 1983 was largely unsuccessful. Loki slipped under the radar in late 1985.

This, also, was very vague information, but it gave me an idea of what Loki wanted with Ryder. He wanted information on Penny, information that must’ve been very, very difficult to get.

Was Loki really back to try and take over the world again? Or was he here for another purpose?

I would do anything to have Elizabeth and Drew with me, or my mom to bounce ideas off of. I clutched the paper in my hand, more aware then ever of my separation from the real world.

Another tremendous crash seemed to echo through the entire building. I snapped out of my reverie and hastened to make it look as if I hadn’t been rifling through top secret government information.

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