Adrian & Sam: Location Relocation

Start from the beginning

"Just tell me what's going on. I'm tired and a little hungry and I've had a really, really long day and-"

She's cut off this time as he draws her into his body. She curves her arms automatically around her shoulders and plants a toe-curling kiss on her lips. Sam instantly sinks into him, all the tension draining from her as the fire he always seems to ignite in her flaring up.

"Oh! Oh, I guess I'll just..."

Sam shoots back from Adrian at the perky voice coming from the doorway. Her girlish scream echoes around the almost empty room as Sam spins around to face the navy suited woman.

"Ms. Anderson let me introduce my wife, Samantha."
Ade handles it coolly, moving beside Sam as 'Ms. Anderson' sashays over to them in her stiletto heels. Of course, Sam can't help but be defensive around the woman and it's that very primal instinct that has her curling her hand around Adrian's bicep. Anderson isn't intimidated and instead sticks out a hand for Sam to shake. Loosening her grip on Ade and feeling stupid for the irrational surge of possessiveness, Sam politely shakes the woman's hand and again, wonders what's going on.

"Ade, will you please now tell me what's going on?" she exasperates.

"Darling, Ms.Anderson here is a realtor," Ade expresses slowly.

Sam almost blurts out 'so what' before she has time to think. A realtor. A realtor means...

"You bought a house?!"

Her voice is a high pitched squeak that has Adrian wincing internally as he knows that that's not a happy Sam.

"Not quite yet," chirps in the realtor and Sam sharp eyes swing towards the woman causing her to visibly shrink back a little.

"Maybe we can talk about this a minute," whispers Adrian leading away his wife by the waist and saving the poor skinny realtor, from Sam's wrath.

"The apartment's good, sweetheart but if we're going to have a family we need space. I want my kids to have the same freedom and sense of community I had growing up. I loved having a backyard and living in the suburbs. I know we both love the city but I don't want that the rest of my life-the rest of our lives. Listen, I'm not saying we should buy a house today itself and move in but maybe we could look around? Princess? Sam? Are you going to say something? Listen, I know you like the city too and-"

Adrian tethers at the impact of the force of his wife. He can't help but laughing at the enthusiasm. That was easier than he'd thought. He was pretty sure it would take a whole lot more convincing but he's certainly not complaining about the result.

"No, no, no. I mean, yes, I do love the city but I want to live in a house too. And have our kids growing up in a house and us to grow old in a house and..." she stops drawing in a breath while pulling back to meet him eye to eye, "I love you. Now let's buy a damn house."

Their happy couple moment lasts approximately 10 minutes before they're in complete disagreement again. Adrian had picked his best house in hopes of having her come around to his way of thinking. Of course, things are never boring with Sam and she doesn't like the house as much as he does.

"I just don't understand what's wrong with it."

"Ade, it's's just not right. The closet's too small for one-"

" 'The closet's too small'? What? Are you kidding me?"

"I just don't like it."

He exhales deeply.


The preppy realtor just sort of appears out of nowhere, obviously catching the tail end of their conversation.

"No problem, no problem at all! I have a range to show you. On to the next one then!"

They follow the woman to the next house she has to show them. Though at that one, they both immediately agree it's not the one. Third time though for Sam is a charm.

"It's amazing. Look at all the space and the bedrooms-"

"Princess the basement is a mess. And that decking is even worse."

"That's the fun of it. We could fix it together!"

Ade gazes at her for a second in doubt. They are not exactly the handymen type. Ade knows his dad certainly is and tried to teach his sons that over the years, but Adrian was never that great at it and never enjoyed it all that much. Though, on his own he's sure he could manage to get the task done even if he has to grit his teeth and suffer through the torture. However, paired with Sam. Well they'd never finish. Either they'd just end up having sex or they'd get far too angry at each other and end up having sex anyway. In short it would definitely be a while before things get fixed although.... A scenario ending up in sex certainly isn't a bad prospect.

"You're sure this is the one? We could always wait a bit more and look around further. No need to make any rash decisions."

Sam shakes her head, "no. This is perfect. This is it, Ade. I feel it."

The excitement is pouring so thickly through her pores that he'd be an idiot not to recognize it.

"Then we'll take it."
Sam crashes from her high, wavering in her decision as she considers his thoughts.

"No wait...what do you think? Do you like it?"

Ade wavers before speaking, "I don't not like it. I think it's an acceptable house, certainly structurally sound, ecofriendly and the neighborhood is good too.-"

"But you don't think it's the one."

It's when she says things like that Adrian's reminded just how soft her heart really is under all that tough exterior.

"I think-no, I know-that you are the one. Which means, that you see things I don't and I trust you on this."

That's one of the sweetest things that he's said to her and it's something she's certainly not going to forget. Especially not tonight when they get in some more baby-making practice.

Sam burrows into him, her arms circling his neck as he gazes down.

"Baby," she whispers, "thank you."

"You do know what this means though right?"

Her head tilts back in confusion.

With a smug smile, Adrian replies, "you're going to have to start driving, darling."

Sam simply chooses to roll her eyes. Fine, whatever. If that means that she gets her dream house then sure, she'll start driving a car. 

A/n A long time coming, I know. Sorry for that. But I promise I will have another chapter up for Saturday. And it'll will be a Zach and Rachel one. Hope you like this, even though it was short. 

And of course, I will get to the weddings and babies in the upcoming chapters. :) 

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