Hatchling Artemis, strength training

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The heat of the warmest season of the year was decreasing, temperatures were dropping but it was not at all cold. Some of the lush green tree leaves started to lose their color and harvesting season would soon approach. Amazon farmers were very busy at their fields, taking care of their crops, giving them just a bit more energy to produce more in the end. Plantations were full of figs, apricots, grapes, olives and apples. Others were filled with nut trees and different types of wheat. Artemis detected the change of seasons, awaiting her very first autumn and winter. She was often seen by herself, practicing her branch jumping and gliding, though the gliding had by now turned into true flight. Meanwhile, she kept growing and growing, having a wingspan of about 25 feet by now and towering above the Amazons.

The horses and other animals at the Nation knew of her presence but as she was growing bigger and bigger, they started to be more on edge at the sheer power this avian predator possessed. Frequently they fled when she was passing over the pastures. More than once, Artemis had caught herself eyeing a farm animal more than she needed but could keep herself in check non-the less.

Scyleia was in the black smiths hut once again. She spent more of her time in there the last two fortnights. Talking to the Amazon blacksmith about a project the two women were working on. Artemis often tried to find out why her Rider spent that much more time in there than usual. However, she could never find the answer because she was simply way too big to fit in any hut anymore. Well, maybe the dining hut but she still did not fit through the door and would never be able to either. All she could do is put one of her green eyes at the window of the hut her Amazon vanished into so often but couldn't really make out what was happening inside.

'It starts to look nicely, don't you think?' the brunette spoke up while keeping their project at arm's length.

'Just a few more tweaks and I'd say it is finished' the black smith answered. 'Then you need to see if it fits Artemis' back' she added as her brown eyes went over the piece.

Scyleia had a good eye for details and could mentally make nice measures to Artemis' size.

'Then I'll start by letting her get used to something on her back' Scyleia decided and the black smith nodded in agreement before the brunette left the hut once again.

Scyleia had found a soft piece of rope and started to knot it in a simple make-shift harness. This was the first step. Once she finished, she left her hut and went looking for her Tyto Stryx. She found her close to the training grounds, observing the Amazons training sessions.

'Hey girl!' Scyleia greeted and Artemis' focus was drawn towards her and she walked over to the Amazon. As she made it over to her companion, her green eyes caught something Scyleia was holding. She had seen other Amazons working with this artifact, rope it was called she remembered. Still she was curious and slightly confused why Scyleia was dragging the thing with her. The Snow Tyto skewed her head at the sight and Scyleia showed it to her better, so she could smell it.

'It's a make-shift harness' Scyleia explained and Artemis listened, intrigued. 'Very soon, you'll be big enough to carry me into the sky. But to not fall to my death, I need something to hold on to apart from your feathers' she explained further. Artemis swallowed once at the mention of Scyleia riding her, in the sky. And not to mention, the not falling to her death..

'May I?' Scyleia asked for permission as she mentioned she would put the rope around Artemis' neck and back, just behind her wings. After some heartbeats of consideration, Artemis yielded and bent her head as permission, so the Amazon gently put the rope in its place.

Artemis went rigid slightly. It was a weird feeling, trepidation was a big word but definitely something to get used to a bit more. Scyleia noticed and had a slight look of concern but once Artemis relaxed again after the initial shock, it was all good.

Artemis kept the rope harness on her for the rest of the day the pair decided as it didn't proof to be creating any problems. This ritual was repeated itself for a couple of days and then Scyleia thought it was time for the next step. The saddle she and the blacksmith worked on was ready and it was time to see if it indeed fitted Artemis body shape and size.

Then the day came, the day Scyleia would show Artemis the saddle and put it on her for the first time. The brunette brought the artifact out of the black smiths hut into a clearing at the village's edge. It was a heavy saddle she couldn't carry it by herself, just at the sheer size of it. The leather was decently stiff for durability but that heightened the weight so Shelala helped her carry it to Artemis and the friends plopped it down on the ground. Artemis moved closer to the saddle, sniffing it and watching it from different angles. The saddle was big, big enough to fit on her back. The sitting platform had an oval shape, enough space to sit for Scyleia. The ridge of the warm brown leathered saddle was adorned with green and purple beads, fitting the feathered accessories both Scyleia and Artemis were wearing. At the top of the oval shape were two handles that could be gripped by Scyleias hands. One stirrup hung from each side that could be used by the Amazons feet but she could also squat down on the sitting platform. Various rings and hooks hung from the side of the saddle for items like saddle bags. But there were four very big rings, one located on each side of the saddle to form a square like shape. Attached to these four rings was something like a leathered chest armor so the four rings could be clicked together to mold against Artemis' body. After careful inspection and a small hesitation, Artemis allowed the Amazon friends to put the saddle onto her and click it locked. Gently to make sure no feathered were trapped. The saddle was much heavier than the rope but apart from the weight, it sat comfortable, Artemis decided. Instinctual, she shook her entire body to see it stayed in place and it did.

Artemis walked around a bit with the saddle on her back and even ran to get a feeling of it. She kept it on for a couple of candle marks in the upcoming two days, building endurance to keep it on longer and longer until she was fully used to it.

On the third day, it was happening. Scyleia carefully climbed onboard and Artemis gently rose back to her full height.

'Wow! That is definitely higher and different than a horse' Scyleia assessed with excitement. The ground was far away from her but she forced herself to get used to it immediately because with flying it would be that much farther. Besides, the brunette trusted her companion to take care of her as best as she could. The pair started to walk around a bit, getting used to the weight added on Artemis and the feeling of movement underneath Scyleia. The pair built it slowly, taking one full day to get used to riding on the ground before the next and final step would be taken.

The next day it was finally time, time for the conclusion. They were ready to fly together. Scyleia and Artemis were excited, yet slightly concerned. It could be dangerous. Elyria, Scyleias mom, wasn't that happy with the development deep inside but she would not stop her daughter. Not that she would have listened to her anyway..

Scyleia and Artemis were followed by Shelala, she wanted to see this with her own eyes. She was mostly excited for her best friend but also shared Elyrias concern. The blonde however, also didn't let it lead her. What's life without a bit of danger and excitement?

Choosing a hill with nice and less unpredictable air currents like for example at cliffs for their test. Artemis and her companion both inhaled and exhaled deeply, one last time before they started. The Tyto began walking, then trotting and soon, she was running. The edge of the hill was fast approaching and the pair both braced themselves, muscles flexing. Scyleia hold on tightly onto the handlers and her feet in the stirrups, they were ready. Artemis unfurled her feathery wings, testing the air currents. They were well enough she decided. She sped up some more and her leg muscles really flexed now. A last few paces and then, jumped! Kicking off the ground like she had done many times before, but this time with the extra weight of her precious Rider, flapping vigorously a few times until she reached the appropriate height. The beginning was a bit unsteady and the gentle air currents played some minor tricks but Artemis adapted quickly. She soared as gently as possible and after a short while, Scyleia regained her full confidence and now took the time to fully enjoy it. She looked past the white and silver feathered mass towards the world underneath her, fully comprehending what just had happened. Then she inhaled deeply and roared an ecstatic war cry of excitement and Artemis shrieks in response. This was amazing..


DracoStryx Artemis, a comming of age storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin