Land of Waves ( Part 1 )

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No One's POV

" Raven point A. "-Sasuke

" Blossom point B. "-Sakura

" Fox point C. "-Naruto

" Okay can you see the target. "-Kakashi

" Yes. I'm going in. "-Naruto

" Alright. Now! "-Kakashi

" Gotcha! Aww. Look at you. Your adorable. " Naruto exclaimed as she picked the cat up. Team 7 has completed 32 D-Rank missions. They are starting to get irritated. They got to the hokage's office. " Okay hokage-sama, I think they are ready for a C-rank mission. " Kakashi said. " Alright then Kakashi. Send in the bridge builder. " Minato said. " Hai. " an ANBU black ops replied. 

2 minutes later

" So these are the ninja escorting me. They'll do. They look more mature than the other kids that came here. " said the bridge builder. " I am Tazuna. A bridge builder. You will escort me to the Land of Waves and I wish to be there in one piece. You will protect me with your lives. " Tazuna explained. " Alright. Meet at the gate in one hour. " Kakashi said and disappeared. " Alright guys. Be there at the time he said he will be on time this time. " Naruto said as she disappeared. " Hey Sasuke, Sakura do you know why Naruto never comes home anymore? " Minato asked Naruto's teammates. " What do you mean she does go home. " Sasuke and Sakura answer. " No she doesn't. " Minato replied. " Oh you mean you house. She doesn't go to your house because she lives with lord third. She grew up there anyways. " With that they poof away.

1 Hour Later

Naruto got there with Kakashi and Tazuna. Then Sakura and Sasuke got there. " Alright let's move. " Kakashi said. " Hai! " the three genin responded. They were walking and Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke noticed a puddle and exchanged looks. Naruto made a mental link.

" Okay so I will get caught along with Naruto. Sasuke you will protect the bride builder along with Sakura. Got it? "-Kakashi

" Hai! "-Naruto and Sasuke

She cut the mental link off. Then they passed the puddle. Then two hidden mist chunin came out of the puddle and one wrapped their chains around Kakashi and the other did the same to Naruto and they ripped them apart. " What?! " Sakura screamed. Sasuke acted quickly and blocked them from coming any further. One was stuck to a tree. The other managed to escape and then Kakashi and Naruto jumped out and stopped him. Kakashi grabbed him by the neck and Naruto dislocated his shoulder. 

This is going to get interesting. Thought Naruto and Sasuke.

Kakashi and Tazuna talked and a man named Gato was taking their money and killing any civilian that stood up to him. The ninjas decided to keep going with the mission. They were walking when Naruto's senses kicked in and heard a large object coming there way. " GET DOWN!! " she yelled. ( Naruto has met Kurama and she is merged with him and she has a henge on right now. ) The large object was a rather large sword. Naruto got up and she decided to talk to her old friend. " Ahh I see you have gotten better Zabuza, eh? " she asked. " Yeah. I see you aren't the same little Naru I knew huh? " he answered. " No in fact I have merged with him now." she replied. " So you finally made a decision. You have gotten so big. " he said. " Shut it you brow less cow. You out of all people know why I came to you. " she exclaimed. " So Naruto he is the person who trained you while you were gone for a year? " Kakashi asked. " Yes he found me training and asked if I needed help and trained me. I got stronger and once I got back I merged with......... " she stopped for a second. 

" Kurama should I tell them about you? "-Naruto

" Sure as you tell them release the henge they will freak out and it will be funny. "-Kurama

" Okay. "-Naruto

" Okay I merged with the nine-tailed fox that resides inside me. I will release my henge now. " she says as she releases the henge.

 " she says as she releases the henge

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( True form )

Gasps were heard from her teammates. Kurama laughed at their reactions. ' Shut it Kurama 'she said mentally.

" Who knew about this fox? " Kakashi asked. " I did. " Zabuza answered. " And since you are my student's team I will gladly leave. But be careful and watch for Gato. He will arrive as soon as I do. Or maybe a few minutes after me and Haku my other student. I will be on your side. The reason is is that Gato isn't paying me for killing the bridge builder. So I will let you free. See ya around. " with that he left. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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