Wounded soldiers

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I walked to (Y/N)’s room, and opened the door. Only to find it empty with a small spot of red. Oh was she in trouble. I was looking through her room only to find a blood-stained knife in a drawer by her bed. I knew what it was for ,and the reason why. I gave up looking for her in her room. So I started walking out when I heard a small sniffle. Thinking back to the one place I didn’t look. I walked back into the room and headed under the bed. There she was in a small ball at the top of her bed crying. Knowing she would refuse to get out I grabbed her by the waist and dragged her out from under the bed. “(Y/N)” I said as she didn’t look at me. “ How long?” I mumbled.  She wouldn’t answer me. She couldn’t. She was trying to look away from me, “how. long “ you can hear a hint of rage in my voice which didn’t help at all in this situation, but what can I say I just want to help her with this ‘problem’ of hers. I rolled her on to her back, and seated her so she couldn’t look away. I never seen her in such a voluble state not even after her family's death.  “ 12 years” she mumbles softly so only I could hear her. My eyes widen a bit in shock from how long she has been doing this, and I didn’t even notice this. She cried harder, but bit her lip so it would muffle her cries. I stood up and closed the door, locked it, and grabbed the first-aid that was in the bathroom. She was lucky to have a bathroom attached to her room, but she asked for it. Which we pitied her because she doesn’t like people much. I doubt that she hates people, but just doesn’t want to use the public bathroom. Walking back to her I noticed (Y/N)’s bandges were covering her eyes as salty tears rolled down her face. I sighed, and sat down in front of her. Using my thumb I wiped her tears away earning a small gasp from (Y/N). I guess she wasn’t expecting it. I toughed her sleeve so she can show me what her little ‘friend’ did. She gave out a small sigh, and gave in. she held up her arm, while she looked in the opposite direction. I pulled up her sleeve to see fresh cuts, red lines, and scars. They didn’t go over each other, but rather in a straight line. I hurt me a bit to know that one of my cadets would do something to themselves like this. I patched up her wounds, and cleaned her face.
None of us dared to speak, we just let let silence take over. I put (Y/N) on the bed, and covered her with her cream colored blankets. Honestly why was I being so nice to her, it's not like I love her or anything. Or maybe I do. Before I could finish my thought (Y/N) snapped me out if thought by tugging on my left arm sleeve. She couldn't speak much from all her crying, but I she whispered a small thank you. My eyes softened​ a bit because her small smile was adorable. She hasn't smiled in years in fact I haven't even seen her smile at all. It's actually reassuring. It's getting late and I'm feeling a bit tired, but I have to finish my paperwork before I can go to bed. I walked out and headed to my office.

 A New Beginning (Levi x reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora