Her past

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Great today is Christmas and as soon as I got out of my chair I instantly knew it would be a long day. I walk into the dining hall to find it a mess. To be honest I wasn’t surprised. Maybe i’ll make horse-face clean it. Making my usual black tea and sitting in my chair at the head of one of the tables.As I was enjoying the peace and quiet I got the sense of someone or something prowling around in the dining hall. “(Y/N) you can stop hiding.” I half mumbled. “Why are you even trying to hide anyway?” there was a silence until I heard footsteps walking up to me. I turned around to see (Y/N) with a tear stained face. She must have the normal nightmare she gets after what happened when she as 3 years old. (Flashback (Y/n)'s p.o.v) You and your brother Angelo who was 7 at the time were playing upstairs. As your mom called you guys down you both ran downstairs, and into the kitchen with big smiles on your faces and giggles filling the air.Your family was always happy, your mother was nice and caring, and your father would protect you from anything. It was Thanksgiving and your mom was putting the turkey on the table when you hear a knock on the door. " I'll get it" your father said happily. You were talking to your brother when you heard yelling coming from the front door. You walked to the door to see what the commotion was about with your brother following behind you. When you looked to the door you saw 3 men wearing black cloaks with the hoods down. You could see their faces weren't very pleasant to look at, it's like they were burned. A loud noice snapped you out of thought as you looked to see the first guy which seems to be the leader holding a gun that is smoking and your dad motionless on the floor surrounded by blood. You could feel tears streaming down your face as you were uncontrollably shaking. Your mother must have heard the noise because she rushed into the room. Her face drained of blood and became very pale. Run to our father and hugging him tight she was crying, and saying things under her breath. The 3 men walked up to our mother and shot her 7 times in the chest. I froze where I was. Hoping I would just disappear. I heard footsteps, and my heart started to beat faster. I saw my brother with tears in his eyes running at the 3 men. He had a knife and stabbed the guy with the gun. " RUN (Y/N) DONT LOOK BACK!" A guy pulled him off the others by his hair and started to beat him until my brother was dead. I watched my family get killed. My heart stopped beating. Everything went still. Until I saw a big figure walk up to me. Then everything went black. I woke up in a giant cage. My hands and feet were tied. I looked around and saw that people wearing masks were looking at me. I couldn't hear much, but I could make out someone say something about an auction. About an hour later I was being moved to a table in the middle of the room where my hands and legs were tied to each corner of the table, and my back was facing upwards. My heart started to pound again I knew this wasn't good because, my mouth was being taped shut. I could see in the corner of my eye a man what looks to be holding a whip. Accidentally after i thought that I felt pain in my back. It continued for a long time. I can feel blood dripping out of my back. It wasn't enough to kill me from blood loss, but it was a lot more then I expected. I was left alone for a bit, trying to calm down for a few. I saw a couple of men walk up to me. This made my heart pound hard. They flipped me so now my stomach was facing upwards. They blindfolded me so I couldn't see what was happening​. I can hear them laughing. Then I started to feel hands move around my body. They kept a slow pace moving up and down my arms and legs. A few seconds later something cold was on my lips. Someone is kissing me. I tried to move my head but I couldn't. They wouldn't let me. I felt 2 hands move from my arms to my chest. I didn't have much of a chest because I was only 3 years old. The hands started to squeeze and pinch my chest.the guy who was kissing me stopped and started to nibble on my neck. It didn't feel good at all.I felt fingers find its way into my mouth going in and out. Suddenly I felt a horrible pain in my lower region. I heard a man grunting and the sound of skin slapping each other. About an hour of this torture something wet came inside me. My body also spilled  something out too. Gasping for air I was flipped onto my back again. A burning pain made its way on my lower back. Screaming in pain as tears we falling down my face. I could hear laughter around me. What kind of sick people would laugh at someone who is in pain. A few minutes past and the room was dark. I was like a bag was over my head. The lights went out by the thunderstorm outside. Hearing awwws, and boos I found this the perfect time to excape. I wiggled my hands and feet free from the poorly tied ropes, and rushed to a door I saw near me. I lead me outside to wear it was cold, and wet I didn't care about that because I focused more on running as far as I could from the place I was at. I ran a few miles then finally stopped to catch my breath. Now what do I do now. (End of flashback normal p.o.v) Me and the commander are the only ones who knows about this what we called a conspiracy with the three men and her family. Only me and the commander knows her story especially because she is sensitive on the topic. I’m not sure why she would even want to join the Scouts, but I can't help feel a little bad for her even though cadet Yager and Ackerman have a some what same history. “ Sorry Captain” she softly mumbled, and sat in the a chair that was a few chairs down from mine. You can tell she wasn’t herself today which was really rare for her. I finished my tea and asked why she was different. She only answered with a “don't worry about it” I can't help, but feel a bit mad at her because she wouldn't tell me the reason. I just brushed off and waited for horse-face to walk in so he can clean this place up. Look who it is it’s none other than horse-face yelling at yager. I didn’t feel like breaking up the fight so I just gave them a glare and waited until they noticed me. I got tired of looking at them arguing so I turned my attention to (Y/N) who had a small tear roll down her face as she bit her lip from full on crying. I noticed she was gripping the table like she was angry. I sighed and the room finally got silent. I walked up to cadet Kristian and told him to clean the dining hall. As I did Yager chuckled and I made him clean the stables. I felt a small breeze and saw the (Y/N) go past me. “ Tch that brat is gonna be punished for not answering my question properly.”

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