♥10♥ Cat vs Dog

Start from the beginning

"Hmph!" She pouted and turned the volume up, that caught Kasamatsu's attention right away because the heroine from Diabolik Lovers made an awkward noise. 

"Oi, turn that down!" 

She turned the volume down immediately. 

"What if our neighbors thought I was hurting you and start knocking on the door?! You idiot!" 

"Not like the neighbors doesn't know..." The neighbors have seen the way Kasamatsu smacked Hisui a few times, but because they thought Kasamatsu was a delinquent, they didn't want to confront him about it just in case they got involved with something yakuza related. 

"What was that?" 


"I don't want the neighbors to think bad of me. Please don't watch anime where the girls make awkward moans." 

What he didn't know was, before meeting Hisui, that the neighbors were already terrified of him; one time he saw a burglar walk out of his apartment as he returned, he tackled the burglar down and started beating the other half to death. He never got in trouble because the burglar was a very well known criminal who was on police's radar. While he got complimented about it, the neighbors were afraid of him because he beat the burglar badly to the point the grown man was calling for his Mother. 

Nigou barked and he rolled over onto his back. 

"Oh? You want a scratch? Here? Or maybe here?" Nigou started kicking his leg, happy and excited that he was getting attention. 

Hisui did the same too, she lifted her shirt up for him to scratch her.

"Me too!"

Kasamatsu poked at her stomach, "You need to stop eating so much chocolates." 

"You're the worst!!!" Hisui ran away from him, crying that he was indirectly saying she was getting fat! 

Kasamatsu was cooking salisbury steak in peace, leaving Hisui to care for Nigou. He could definitely trust her with the puppy; he already told her that if something happened to the puppy, he will come over and smack the living hell out of her. 

"It's like that girl is a masochist or some sort..." She always does something to make him launch a hit at her. She sort of reminded him of that girl from that vampire anime she had been watching in front of him. 'But she's far from normal or feminine. She is stupid and shameless...if she was half the girl as Diabolik Lover's heroine, I'd be less angry.' He looked up from his cooking to see Hisui was watching anime with Nigou on her lap. 

"I know she look reluctant, but she must be a masochist to stay there." 

'Who is she talking to...?' 

"I'm nothing like her! Unlike Komori Yui, I do things while expecting to get hit! I wouldn't do them if there wasn't such an outcome!" 

"Do you even know what you're saying?!" Kasamatsu threw a rolling pin at her head, but she dodged it. "So you do those stupid things just to rile me up, huh?!" 

"Think about it, Senpai, if it weren't for me, your life here would suck so hard that there's nothing left to suck." The next hit couldn't be dodged because Kasamatsu literally walked out of the kitchen to smack her on the head.

Kasamatsu returned to cooking. Nigou was playing with a basketball and Hisui was told to stand in the kitchen...and just do nothing.

"Oi, who were you talking to anyway?" 

"Talking to Nigou. I can read his mind, and he asked me why Yui still stays with the vampire when the guys are so mean and horrible to her." 

"I wish you stopped watching that anime. It's clearly not healthy." He taste tested his cooking and he passed the ladle to Hisui, "Try it." 

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