She surveyed the room, noting everything she could about it. There was a window and a vent she could use get out but, that seemed to easy for her to think that Jack didn't mess with it in advance. She did notice that the vent didn't seem to connect to a system, instead it appeared to be really just another way into the neighboring room. It almost seemed like a better option until she heard the sound of shuffling feet and someone calling for a pretty bird.

Well, that's a big fucking nope. She thought to herself, c'mon, there's gotta be something I can do....

She checked the window, noticing how there wasn't anything harmful hidden anywhere. She carefully opened the window and stuck her head out to see what it looked like outside. Upon closer inspection, because she's not that stupid, she found that there was a layer of something slick on the parts of the building she could grab at.

"Jeez! This man has too much time on his hands!" She groaned in frustration, throwing herself against the nearest wall. "What to do...."

Jack did say Evie was coming and that she knew Samantha would be there, but how could the young woman trust a madman's word? Not to mention she was no patient girl, Samantha would have to save herself this time. The window was probably her best option, if she angled herself just right she could reach the rooftop. She didn't intend on leaving though, Evie wouldn't be able to take Jack down on her own. Not only that, but Samantha intended to also exact revenge on Jack for whatever harm came to her Jacob.


Evie reached the insane asylum where crowds had begun to form around the main gates. There must be quite the scene to be witnessed for this many people to gather around.

"Back to the beginning, eh, Jack?" Evie spoke to herself from the roof of another building. "My brother freed you from this madhouse and made you one of us. And now you've dragged Samantha into this..."

Evie climbed down the building and sought to enter the grounds without being seen or harming any officers. It was quite the task as they were all spread out and patrolling. She had to use what she had left of her smoke bombs to get in and from there, she needed to deal with the lunatics.

"I'm not going to get far with these inmates running around." She grumbled to herself as she dealt with one inmate who spastically ran for her. As she was about to round a corner, Evie heard someone coming her way. Believing it to be another inmate, Evie flung a knife toward the unidentified person only to hear a small yelp.

"Hey! What the fuck did I do?"

Evie never reacted quicker as she turned around and hugged the twenty-year-old girl. Samantha was taken by surprise as she never recalled Evie being this way before. Then again, maybe if she had her memories from the start she would have experienced this much sooner.

"You're alive." Evie smiled in relief, if she was still alive then Evie was willing to bet that Jacob was too. "Where on earth have you been? You were supposed to go with Arthur Weaversbrook!"

Samantha smiled sheepishly at the older woman, it felt so odd to speak to Evie after regaining her memories. How should she approach this topic? "It's a long story and I'm positive we don't have time to discuss it. We got a madman to kill."

Evie almost argued with Samantha, still preferring that the young woman stayed out of the fight. However, Samantha was quick to point out that Evie would need help dealing with Jack. Even if it was something as simple as just diverting his attention for just a split second, anything small could make such a difference.

"Alright..but should anything go wrong...."

"I shall like run away as if my mother is throwing her chanclas at me!" Samantha grinned like a fool and ignored Evie's attempt to understand what that even was.

The Return of A Dimension Traveler| Book 2Where stories live. Discover now