We walked for about five more minutes and I could now hear the pounding of water on rocks. Finally I pushed through a thick brush that scraped my bare skin on my arms and legs. I held a path open for Stiles as much as I could.

Once he's through I let the branches go for them to go back to their normal setting. I turn to Stiles, he's got his hands on his head in amazement, gawking at the sight in front of him. He dropped his hands turning to me, "How did you find this place?"

"Pretty much the same reason why were here now. I needed to get away so I took a drive trying to get lost." I said with a shrug. He gave my this look of curiosity. Like he wanted to know more about me.

I walked to the edge of the water, letting the ripples from the waterfall just beyond the pool of water, lap around the soles of my shoes. "This is amazing." He stated as he came up beside me. I looked up at the waterfall in front of me. "Want to have a look from up there?" I ask nonchalant.

He let's out a light laugh and looks at me like he doesn't know me. Which he doesn't. He knows me but not about me.

I don't wait for his answer, I begin climbing the rocks that take us up to the top. He's a short distance behind me. I get to the top, find a rock on the edge of the water fall and sit down. He joins me our legs bumping together momentarily before we both move the opposite directions.

"What made you want to get lost?" He asked out of no where. I gulped down the rock in my throat. Suddenly everything felt very intensified. I could feel sweat rolling down the middle of my back. My breathing picked up, I had to change this subject. Why did I even tell him that in the first place!

"It's so hot out!" I said standing quickly. "Let's jump!" I added walking carefully to the edge. Being very careful not to slip on the damp rocks from the spray of the falls. "Are you crazy? What if there's rocks down there!" Stiles said standing up and grabbing my arm.

I turned towards him and gave him a very devious smile, "Come on, live a little Stiles." I reached out, grabbing his hand. It was his turn to gulp.

We were both facing the water, I begin pulling my shirt over my head. Taking a deep breath as I felt Stiles eyes go over my body then quickly away. My shorts went next. I looked over to Stiles who was frozen still. "What Stiles? Never seen a girl in a bathing suit before? There's not much of a difference." I said with a laugh. He released a nervous laugh, taking his shirt off.

Next thing I knew we both were down to our underwear. "Ready?" I said nervously. "This is crazy." He said grabbing my hand, squeezing it tightly for a second. "Let's just get a running start, that way we jump far enough from the rocks that could be down there." With this statement he gave me this look that said you've got to be kidding me.

We backed up about ten feet, both looked at each other trying to figure out if we were really going to do this. "On three?" I asked. He shook his head yes. Few seconds later he said the magic word and we went running holding hands as we went. "Three."

On the way down we both let out some "Woohoo's". It was an exhilarating feelinthat made your heart speed up so fast. But once you hit the cold spring water it stops for just a second and as you take a new breath of air it's like being born into a new exciting life.

We both come up out of the water laughing and breathing hard. Trying to calm our excited hearts. "That was amazing!" Stiles says spitting some water out afterwards. We're treading water. I didn't realize how deep it was. I smile, "Thanks for living a little with me Stilinski." I send a splash wave towards him so that he can't see the blush I had forming in my cheeks.

Which was great because it caused us to get into a splash war. Which then end with me in his arms and us both looking into each other's eyes. Wanting to kiss each other not because we knew everything about the other but because that's what you do in moments like this. Right?

The thought slipped away as he brought his lips to mine. It was a long kiss that made my legs stop treading for a second, causing us to drown momentarily. We both pulled away laughing. "I'm sorry." Stiles said quickly, "I just got this sudden urge to kiss you." I bit my lip with a smile and decide to swim to shore.

"Don't be sorry Stiles. I've had the biggest crush on you for awhile now, so to hear that you wanted to kiss me. Well that just makes my heart jump out of my chest. So I'm sorry." I said to him as I hiked back up the cliff of the waterfall to retrieve my dry clothes.

"Wait you like me?" He said stopping for a second mid stride up the cliff. "Didn't I just say that." I said annoyed because I was getting nervous.

I was almost to the spot where I had left my clothes but he grabbed my wrist turning me to him. "There's nothing wrong with having a crush. Believe be I've been there. I know how you probably feel right now. But after today I really want to get to know you more. So don't think 'Oh we've had a great time today but tomorrow we'll just go back to sharing notes from geometry class when he falls asleep in there.' because I'm not going to let that happen."

"I'm glad to hear that Stiles. I really am." I smiled and grabbed my clothes. "Can you just head down with out me? I'm going to umm.. take my wet stuff off and put the dry ones on."

"You're ready to go?" He said sounding a little disappointed. "I'm just starving that's all." I answered.


We finally made it to the jeep with little said, mainly because Stiles needed to concentrate on not falling.

About an hour and a half later we arrive at my house. "You're not going to get into trouble for being home early are you?" He asked before I got out. "No I'll be fine. Thanks for a great day Stilinski." I turned a way closing the door and waving bye.

His jeep didn't start until I was up the stairs to my house. I looked back as it was driving away and I was walking inside, to an empty house. But that didn't stop the smile permanently staying on my face.

Alright this needs alot of editing but I just want to post it! Let me know what you guys think! I will also be changing the title maybe.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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