I Was Just Kidding (America)

Start from the beginning

Ambulances wail in the background as Alfred eyes light up.

He rushes over me and puts his face between my legs.

"WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!" I scream as I try to not move.

"I'm helping support your weight!" He snaps back as I realize he's letting me sit on his shoulders.

I nod silently, knowing he can't see me.

"I am so, so sorry." He says quickly.

"That's not going to fix anything.." I sigh as much as my pained lungs will allow me.

"I-I'll make sure you live. I'll make sure you live as long as you want! I swear! I'll make you so happy, that this will be the best thing that happens to you!" He rushes.

I laugh so hard that blood flows out of my mouth and onto his hair.

"Yeah," I cough, my throat raspy. "You do that."

"Just you wait, uh..."

"(Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." I finish for him as the paramedics climb in.


Many months and doctors bills later, not to mention several blood transfusions from Alfred himself, I arrive at the new place Alfred bought me.

It's large and fancy just like he promised me.

"(Y/n), can you come into the kitchen, please?" Alfred calls out.

"Yeah, sure." I reply.

I walk into the room to see Alfred with a serious expression, something he only ever seemed to wear around around me.

"What's up?" I ask.

"I need to tell you something. I can't die." He says.

"What? Haha, of course you can." I laugh.

"I'm serious, (Y/n). I represent America. I can't die unless this country dies. It's the same thing for all my other friends you met." He says firmly.

"Prove it." I reply.

He lifts up a large knife and stares me straight in the eye as he slowly slides it through his stomach, blood dripping everywhere.

He doesn't even flinch.

"ALFRED, WHAT THE HECK?!" I shriek as I run towards the home phone. I begin dialing 9-1-1 before he smacks it out of my hands.

"(Y/n), look." He grabs my chin and forces it to look at his stomach while the other hand yanks up his ruined shirt. A light pink scar quickly fades from view before my very eyes.

I look up at his sorrowful eyes as he hands me the knife.

"You try.." he commands gently.

"No..." I answer as I pull the knife closer to my body.

He frowns slightly before grabbing my wrist and plunging it into his shoulder.

"Alfred!" I shout as I let go. He pulls the knife out and the cut closes up instantly.

"Now look at you.." Alfred says as he drags it along my arm. Every time it passes onto new territory, the red trail behind zips shut.

"What did you do to me?" I mumble softly.

"I didn't have a choice... I made you my capital. You're Washington D.C. now." He growls.

"For how long?" I demand.

"Until my country falls." He answers. "I'm so, so sorry... You would've died any other way.."

"And if I wanted to die?!" I scream. "I told you that sorry doesn't fix anything!"

I smack the knife out of his hand and run upstairs and lock myself in a random room.

My life is over...

*•*This is so awful, I'm so sorry you read this. It sounded so funny in my head but then 2:00 a.m. hit*•*

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