1/The Hunter And The bird

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Hello my name is Abigail Spencer . I am 14. I ain't no ordinary werewolf. I am from Mississippi, and yes I live in the woods. Yes I hate shoes, unless there boots. Any who me, my sis, my cousin, and my aunt are heading back from a pageant when we see a fallen tree is crossing our path.

See we are extremely precious girls or she wolves for every 2 males their is one female.

Well we decided to just move the tree since we were blessed with strength.

When we got out we saw 6 males.


And guess what 4 came over to my sis and cousin chanting mine mate ours. I looked around trying to see if anyone else was out there when my eyes landed on the other 2. My mates like wowzer. Can I order!;) Since we were rare I decided to look around and make sure we were safe. That's when i spotted him.I turned to see the hunter behind me. 'Crack' went through the night. I fell injured because of silver.(Timber):D. He missed its mark but hit the target. ƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦƦ
I was in my back since I was hit in the right shoulder.There was searing pain going through my shoulder. I didn't screamed I simply blacked out. Thee pain was just to much. When I woke up the 2 boys were staring at me. I got out a weak hey before I went back into a black bliss.
When I woke back up I was in a bed with 2 twins with an arm around me each.. I checked to make sure I was dressed. Yepers fully clothed. Time to get up. I take in a lungful of air. Big mistake. To much old spice. I quickly got up. And ran towards the French doors that lead to a balcony. Though i don't really mind ole spice.I open em up a breath in a big gulp of fresh air. After had hacked up my lungs. Since I didn't need my lungs they didn't need a peaceful wake up call. I walk to the closest door and voilà it was a bathroom. My first thought was they needed color. It was all black and dark gray marble. I walked over to the very big jacuzzi. I turned on straight cold water. Next I picked out their outfit it matched the bathroom. Yah I know I like to snoop. I walked over to the guy on the right. I always thought that the guy picks up the girl but I guess not. He snuggled closer. I walked away into the bathroom and dumped him in the water. I did the same with the other guy.
2 very angry males. Probably Alphas.
30 minutes later
They walk out of the bathroom with evil smirks on their faces.
Not wanting to find out what they had planned I went through the French doors. I jumped. When I landed I changed into a wolf. The dirt was soft so it must have rained. I took off.

I stayed on pack lands but I ran for forever. I decided to head back since its night. When I get back to the house. I jump on the balcony. I open em & walk in. The boys are sprawled out covering the whole bed. I looked around and didn't see a couch. A pallet it is. I go to the bathroom and get some towels. I didn't see any blankets so towel it is. I go to the corner and put the towels down. I laid down and went to sleep.
I woke up at like 2 am because somebody was arguing. What the crap. Then I hear the conversation.
'Why is she on the floor' says a guy.
'Better question yet why didn't she sleep with us.' Said another guy.
'Because y'all 2 were cuddling.'
'Somebody's jelly'
'How old are you 5?!'
'No we are 17.'
'Nice I got twins.'
What I noticed was their voices started to get husky. So I stood up and walked over to the bed, climbed on it and crawled to the middle. They laid down. They both kissed my cheek and started kissing down my jaw line and down my neck. I pushed I'm away.
'Nope nada. Do I need to make a pillow wall.'
'You are our mate. We can kiss you and-." "No you can't I'm 14... 14!!
I started making a pillow wall.
"Nobody  can penetrate my wall."
2 hands came from each side. I pushed em back through the wall. 'Night.'
πππππππππππππππππππππππππ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~πππππππππππππππππππππππππNEXT MORNING
I woke up in cold water. I stayed under to give em a heart attack. Next thing I  knew i was being given mouth to mouth. I started laughing. They looked genuinely worried. I laughed harder. They looked at me like I was crazy. I stood up and realize that my shirt that I wore as PJs was wet. I didn't have another. So I walked over to the dresser and grabbed a shirt off of it and grabbed my pants. Then ushered em out of the bathroom. I got dressed quickly. When I walked out I saw 2 bimbos trying to kiss my mates. Next thing I know their faces are bloodied. I have a very short temper. I stood up to 2 people at once. One of em didn't like that I fixed their nose job. She clawed my thigh. (Not to deep so it healed fast.) 'THAT. IS. IT. YOU. STUPID.' My fist went flying. It connects with a jaw. I go and sit down in between my mates trying to calm down.
'Yours.' They say in a unison.
The betas comes in and takes the bimbos away. The betas are also twins.
Anyways that takes a lot of control Plus I was hungry so I went and looked for the kitchen.
  I finally found it. I love to make onion rings and salad so why not. I got the ingredients it and  voilà I'm fryin onion rings. I started putting the salad together when  they walked in. Me being me had magic me a phone and head phones. So I was dancing around the kitchen like a mad woman.  I turned around and saw 7 very amused people I glared. They left. I hadn't noticed my mates. I turn around to grab MY onion rings they where gone. I yelled or tried. "WHO IN THE LOVE OF GOD STOLE A BAND NERDS -" "yeesh don't yell" says one.
'Your a band nerd?' Says the other.
"What else would a totally nerdy chick like me be?"

Hey I m williegirl this is my first book. comment on any suggestions. Okay so I am updating this. I wrote this when I  was 13. Its horrible to be honest.

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