Dom! Tracer x Reader Part 3

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I like these ok xD
Btw, Screyn
I'm working on your Widow request next I promise!

Exams were always a troubles for you.
You rarely did well.
And thus, your teachers hated you.
But today was different, you just got your results for a series of exams,
You got all A's and B's.
Feeling incredibly proud,
You had burst into the house, to show Lena.
She was equally, if not more, proud.
You had been rewarded briefly, with a peck on the cheek,
Though knowing Lena..
She had more plans that that.

And here you were,
Changing your clothes after the day,
Pulling on a pair of fleece-like slacks, and removing your top.

You stretched, yawning loudly,
So enraptured in your yawn,
That you didn't hear your bedroom door open.

A sting against your ass.
You yelped and jumped around,
To find Lena standing there, grinning hugely.
"Hey there.." she spoke softly, yet with power.
Before you could respond, she had walked you to the wall, without even touching you.
Her hands met with the wall, on either side of your head.
"How bout a bit more of a reward..?" She softly whispered into your ear.
You nodded gently, as Lena pressed her lips against yours, running her fingers through your hair.
You moaned softly as her tongue subtly slipped into your mouth.
Her hand made its way to your leg,
Lifting it up, leaving it by her hip, leaving your thigh wide open.
You jumped.

Her leg was pushed in between your legs, almost acting as a seat.
She pulled your hair, her fist full of your (H/D) hair.
You squirmed beneath her, as you felt her towering over you.

"Just admit it, Love.." she growled.
"You love being my little bitch.."


You moaned in pleasure, nodding softly.
Lena swiftly picked you up, sweeping you from your feet.
She sat down on the bed,
You still in her arms.
She held you bridal style.

"Tell me, my love.." she ordered. "Tell me what you want me to do to you.."
You blushed and looked away from her, her brilliant eyes peaking into your soul.
"Aww, are you shy?" She giggled, laying you down on the bed, laying on top of you, pinning your hands to the bed.
She chuckled at your attempts to free yourself.
She was too strong.

You eventually gave up, before you embarrassed yourself even further.
"Nothing to be ashamed of, beautiful.." she purred. "You know that I'll probably want to do whatever you want me to do.."
You nodded softly.

"Then tell me, love.." she whispered.
"What do you want me to do to you?"

You gulped.
"H-hit me.." you squeaked.

Lena grinned.
"Oooh, I see.." she giggled, making your cheeks flush a shade of red.

You found yourself flipped onto your stomach,
A fabric slid over your eyes,
Your hands were tied together via belt, and tied to the headboard,

"Mmm.. have you ever told you how adorable you look, when you are like this?" She giggled. "Submitting yourself.. helpless.."
You felt her breath against your neck.

"Now.. where do you want me to hit you, Cutie?" She softly dragged her nails along your thigh.
You groaned.
"Ah, here?" She stopped just above your ass, her skin just barely touching off you.
You nodded, your heart beating quickly.

You yelped, that one stung. A lot.
Lena chuckled.
You groaned, squirming around.
"Does that feel good, sissy?" She purred into your ear, gripping a fist full of your hair.
You whimpered softly.
Aching for her touch.
You felt blood rising and you were sure your ass was now raw and red.
You felt a tight feeling in your core.

Lena sat back up, and you could hear her strapping something, though you could not make out what it was.

'Till you felt something enter you.
Making you groan loudly.
"That's right.." Lena growled. "Moan, like the little bitch you are.."
You obeyed, moaning again.
"I can feel your body begging for me.. almost yearning..
So why don't you really beg, sissy? Beg me to fuck you and make you my bitch for good.."
you felt her fist wrap around your hair, pulling it harshly.

For a minute, you just lay there, letting yourself become dominated.
"Who do you belong to?" She growled.
"You.." you mumbled shyly.
"Uh huh.. mine.." she yanked on your hair, making you yelp.

Soon, you couldn't contain yourself,

You felt Lena pull back, and untie you, taking the fabric from your face.

You slowly sat up, feeling warm.
Lena sat down next to you, pecking you on the cheek, before lying down on her back.

You put your head by her shoulder, as she wrapped her arm around you, cuddling you.

"Love, was that too harsh?" She asked quietly. "Is this ok?" She tenderly rubbed your ass.
You nodded.
"Your head?"
You head was in agony, so was your ass.
You squeaked
"It was worth it.."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2017 ⏰

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