Chapter Ten

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I'm still shocked that me & Bre had sex last night. I can't explain how good it felt. She was so in sync with my body and it seemed as though she only wanted to satisfy me. We only lasted like 15 minutes in her living room before she took me upstairs and really showed me why I would moan her name. Lord knows I get horny just thinking about it. I couldn't even spend the night with her I was so shook from what we did. I went home and laid in my bed just smiling. My mom came home around 12 am and I had just gotten out the shower. She seemed to be in a good mood too because she brought home donuts and ice cream. She hadn't done that in a while. She used to do it when I was little and my dad was still around... wonder what or who got her so happy.

"Aye Syd when are you gonna introduce me to ya lil friend that you're always hanging with?"

I look up from my bowl of ice cream & stare at her. She's been watching tv and texting on her phone I'm surprised she even heard me come down stairs.

"You have met her..."
"Not really! Every time I see her she's even leaving or asleep.."
"Well you could have said hey at any of those moments"
"How ? She never even holds her head up when I'm around ... what's that all about? What have you told her about me?"

And before I could even answer I realized everything my mom said was true. Bre seemed to avoid my mom a lot and never even asked much about her. Hell I haven't even seen or met her parents...

"I haven't told her anything. But she'll be over tomorrow I'm sure."
"I know she will, you ain't slick."
"What you mean?"
"Y'all got something going on"

My face started hurting I was smiling so hard. It was obvious me and Bre were messing around but the fact that my mother noticed was funny.

"Yea it's something like that. You okay with that?"
"Why wouldn't I be okay with it? She seem to be making you happy."
"She does. But I just thought you'd be a lil upset or even confused about it. I don't know we never talked about anything like this before."
"Well I'm not upset and I'm not confused. I was young once before too Syd. Hell I still am young."
"What's that suppose to mean? You dated a girl!?"

It was a short pause and then my mom smiled and looked at me .... man what the hell.

"Sydney, I've met someone.."
"Her name is Shaune..."
"Yes her! She's real sweet, she works at the office and she's been showing me around.. not too different from you and your lil girlfriend."
"You can't be serious??"
"But I am. She makes me happy, and I haven't felt these things since you were born."
"So you have a girlfriend?"
"Yes I do. I been trying to come up with a way to introduce the two of you but I haven't even had a chance to tell you that I found someone let alone tell you that it's a woman."
"Introduce us? When she coming over?"
"I haven't arranged for her to come over because I didn't know how you would feel Syd.."
"She can come over. I wanna meet her. You gonna cook when she come over?"
"Now you know I can't cook! That's another reason I haven't invited her over... "
"You right you right"

I start laughing picturing my mother in a kitchen at all is hilarious! When she was 13 she burned down my grandmothers kitchen trying to make herself a grilled cheese sandwich. How you mess that up I'll never know. But I think it's cute she wants me to meet her friend. Even if it's not the norm for us. Maybe California was a good move. Opened our minds a lot since we've been here.

I finish talking to my mom and head back to my room because it's late and I'm exhausted. My phone was laying on my bed going off. Of course it was Bre and a text from my bestfriend from back home checking on me.

I don't even bother texting my bestfriend back because by now I know she's asleep. I text Bre telling her I miss her and wish she was laying with me. It didn't take long before she hit me with "otw" text.

About 3 minutes after that text Bre was at my front door. Mind you it's 2:23am and she got up and came over. It might not seem like a major thing because she lives right next door but still it meant something to me.
I let her in and we went up to my room. I guess my mom went to bed because the living room was empty and her bedroom door was closed. I'll introduce them in the morning. We can go get breakfast since it's the weekend.


Bre is half sleep and I'm really being a brat. I don't know why but I'm in my feelings and I kind of just want to be a baby.

"I think I love you."
"I think I love you too."

My heart fluttered and my knees got weak. I wouldn't trade this moment for anything in the world. She held me all night long and we fell asleep. The fact she was so tired and exhausted was hilarious. She said I wore her out. But truth be told I was tired as fuck too but I couldn't manage to fall asleep. My mind was racing a million miles per minute just trying to grasp everything that has been going on lately. I basically have a girlfriend. My mom  has a girlfriend.... and life isn't going all that bad. I'm doing good in school. I graduate soon and I have a full ride to my dream school. I don't know what else could be better.

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