Chapter Three

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Oh my gawd last night was so much fun. Me & Bre went everywhere and had a ball. Didn't think I would like Cali but it's honestly not that bad. We went to the beach and this small carnival... We had fun! She's suppose to come over today and have a movie chill day with me since my mom starts her new job today and we have school tomorrow. I honestly think I can handle having a gay female friend. She's really cool and she hasn't said anything about trying to date me.

"Alright baby I'm leaving, I'll be home by 9 tonight. What do you have planned for today?"
"Bre is gonna come over and we're gonna watch movies... It's a chill day."
"Well have fun, text me if you need me."
"Bye mom."

And with that my mom was out the door and I was texting Bre to come over so we could get our day started.

It's been 2 hours and Bre still hasn't replied to my texts or phone calls and hasn't come over yet... She lives right next door... What's taking her so long?

After a while of just sitting around the house I heard voices outside so I looked out the window... Some brown skinned girl driving a Cadillac SUV was walking from inside Bre's house. That car pulled up late last night... But I couldn't tell who got out. I assumed it was Bre's parents. But obviously not. I look again seeing Bre and the girl hugged up by the cars. I don't know why but it pissed me off seeing her with her. I closed the blinds and went to my room. I don't want to be bothered with anyone today.

(Next Day)

Bre didn't come over yesterday. I ignored her texts and calls just as she had done mine. It's 7:56 in the morning and I'm getting dressed for school. My mom is giving me her car for school since she got her company car yesterday. After I put my clothes on I head downstairs to get the keys so I can make a trip to get breakfast and won't be late to school.

I pull into the campus and I'm literally excited about being in California. My friends sent me good luck texts all morning so I was feeling a lot better than yesterday. I park the car and head to the main entrance. Some guys started yelling trying to get my attention but I ignored them. That is such a turn off. I step into the office waiting to meet with my counselor so I can receive my new schedule. While I was waiting I heard a familiar voice from coming from the hallway then it got closer.... Bre came into the office all wide smiled like always.

"Hey Syd what happened to our chill day?"
"You tell me."

"Sydney Watkins"

The counselor called my name and handed me my schedule then she called someone to the office to be my buddy for the day so I could get used to the campus.

"If you wait for a few minutes she'll be right down and show you to your classes. You both should have all the same classes"

Bre keeps trying to talk to me and I ignore her for the time being. She can go talk to the girl she ditched me for.

"Ahh here she is.. Sydney meet Taryn. She'll be your buddy today."

I can't help but stare at the girl that I have to be buddies with.... She was fucking gorgeous. She was tall about 6'0 maybe 6'1, her teeth were perfectly aligned, she had big brown eyes that seemed to glow golden when she stood facing the light, she had dreadlocs neatly braided back, she was obviously a stud... A good looking ass stud! I smiled so big when she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the chair.

"Hey, you can call me Tay"
"You can call me Syd."
"Nice to meet you Syd"

I smiled so big and I couldn't stop. I guess Bre caught on and coughed, interrupting my fantasy with Tay.

"Sorry about that needed to clear my throat."
"Yea, that happens." Tay said putting her arm around me taking me to class.

I turned to look at Bre but she was gone and shortly after that she text me a huge ass paragraph about how fucked up I just did her... Excuse me?

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