Noorhelm fanfic

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Bon Iver can be heard from my speakers as I pack my bags for the next day. My phone buzzes with a message from Eva, my best friend.
* On Text*

Eva: "Holy shit! Did you see what William just posted?"

Meg(me in Norwegian):"Nei, can't say I have. Will check now"

William is one of the resident fuckboys in our school that Eva's always falling for. She has this thing where she thinks she has to like guys that treat her badly; one of the many reasons I have to constantly worry about her.

As I open Instagram I get a flurry of notifications, something I am certainly not accustomed to considering how little effort I put into my online presence. I click on the notifications tab and see that William has tagged me in a post. Fie faen. This can only end badly.
The photo itself was of himself holding the whitest rose I've ever seen and the caption read "almost as white as your skin Noora". Laughing, I started typing a response in the comments. "Haha funny one Willhelm, more creative caption with better grammar next time maybe?"

You see, William and I are kind of friends. Meaning we have English and Biology together and he tends to be around a few of my friends. But I'd never go out of my way to spend time with him.

I exited Instagram and went back into my chat with Eva

Meg:"Eva, Have you heard from Isak or Jonas lately?"

Eva: "Nei, unnskyld. Will be nice to see them. I'm glad we all agreed to start practicing our English more. Summer trip is going to be AMAZING"

Last time we talked about it at school William kept interrupting and trying to invite himself as well. I wonder if he was serious...

I looked at the clock and realized I had once again worked until 3 AM. I set my usual 5 o'clock alarm and lay in bed. This week's gonna suck.

Jævla Klisje || A Noorhelm Fanfic AUWhere stories live. Discover now