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I woke up to my phone buzzing in the middle of the night. I picked it up to answer without looking who it was.

" hei, hva skjer?"(hi what's up in Norwegian)

"Oh uhh nothing" the voice on the other end responded. I recognized it instantly as William's.

"Listen, I really need help studying for the biology test, I was wondering if you'd come help me" the desperation in his voice was evident.

"Now!?" I asked astounded " It's 3 in the fucking morning Willhelm. This better not be some elaborate booty call"

"oh trust me. If it was a booty call, you'd know" he said flirting, a smirk evident in his voice

"gross" I replied

"okay but I actually really need your help. You can come in the morning. I'll drive you to school?"

"Okay okay"

How could I say no to a friend in need. An irresponsible friend. But a friend nonetheless.

"Fine, I'll be there at 6. Be awake and ready to work when I get there"

"Deal thank you so much doll!"

"Oh and you owe me coffee" I added before hanging up and going back to sleep. This was going to be a nightmare.

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