"You don't love Edric. How can you marry a man you hate?" Tadeus questioned her.

"Because...a wise woman once told me that true love would burn me." Elisabete told him.

"Who was this?" Tadeus scoffed.

"A woman I could learn a few things from. She fell in love with a man who loved her too, but not the same way. I am tired, Tadeus, and I wish to have a good night's sleep before I go to work tomorrow morning." Elisabete explained.

Tadeus took a step back as Elisabete opened the door.

"I hope you'll be happy with the decision you've made." Tadeus spoke softly.

"I hope so too." Elisabete whispered as she entered her bedroom.

She closed the door behind her and smiled softly as she saw Liana and Capriana sitting up in their shared bed, staring up at her.

"Is it true that you're going to get married and leave us?" Liana asked.

"It is true that I am going to be married, but I'm not going to leave you. I'll visit to make sure you're all doing just fine." Elisabete told them.

"Tadeus told us that Edric is a bad man." Capriana stated.

"Edric is not bad. He simply believes in some things that we don't. But that doesn't make him bad. He means well. Now, you two should be asleep. You have school tomorrow." Elisabete explained.

She laid soft kisses to each of their heads and tucked them back into bed. She stood at the foot of the bed, watching them sleep, for a few moments before walking over to her own bed and changing into her nightdress. She laid down in her stiff bed and sighed as her head hit the pillow.

The following morning, as Elisabete was preparing breakfast for everyone, and her sisters's lunches, Edric stopped by. Elisabete furrowed her brow as she opened the door and welcomed him inside.

"What brings you here?" Elisabete asked.

"I had told my parents the good news and they are simply too excited. My mother stated she wants to have the wedding in a week. That way, our marriage will be held when there is a new moon in the sky. Isn't that great?" Edric told her.

Now, the only power she held was taken from her, and although disappointed, she was expecting it. She thought that it would be better to get the marriage over with. With her status, there wouldn't be much planning to do anyway.

"That does sound great. I'll go and tell my parents." Elisabete replied.

She walked into their bedroom and smiled as she saw them reading.

"What is it, Elisabete?" Her mother inquired.

"I picked a date." Elisabete spoke.

"Oh, do tell us!" Her mother beamed excitedly.

"In a week." Elisabete told them.

"A week?" Her father scoffed.

"Yes. That way our marriage will be on the night there is to be a new moon. Isn't that great?" Elisabete told them dejectedly.

"Well, of course it does. Whatever you wish, darling." Her mother replied.

Elisabete left their bedroom and walked back into the kitchen to find Edric sampling her cooking. He let out a moan of approval as he nodded his head.

"If you cook this well for me, you will make the best wife this realm has to offer." Edric laughed.

"Thank you," Elisabete sighed. "My parents are alright with the wedding being in a week. Now, I must be off to work. Good day, Edric."

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