New Neighbour (AU)

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You spot the long legged brunette on the couch. She's sitting beside another girl. You assume they're sisters. They watch as you interact with their mum. Pleasing people has never been hard for you. You were naturally very charming and friendly, which helped out a lot, seeing as Kris is already warming up to you.

"Oh Y/N, these are my daughters!" She points towards the two girls. "The one on the left is Kylie and you've already met, Kendall," she introduces us briefly before running back into the kitchen, hearing your mum call her name.

"Hello, I'm Y/N," I flash the girls my million dollar smile. Kylie smiles back just as bright while Kendall blushes and looks down at her hands.

"We know," Kylie giggles. "Mum hasn't shut up about your family all week. Especially you. God, if I didn't know any better, I'd think my mum has a little crush on you," you slightly cringe at the thought and you see Kendall doing the same thing. "Although I don't blame her. You're certainly very attractive, Y/N."

"Ahh, thank you," you chuckle over Kylie's playful words before she excuses herself to go to the bathroom. You look at the other Jenner sister.

"Kendall Jenner," her head shoots up at the sound of her name. You admit, her name flows nicely off the tip of your tongue. It feels natural, like you were perfectly made to say her name.

"May I help you?" You chuckle and grin at the girl.

"Sorry, I was just admiring how pretty your name sounds," she blushes as you smile bashfully at her. "But yeah, you can help me."

"With what exactly?"

"I want to get to know you," she smiles at you and you swear you could feel your heart pounding against your chest. You and Kendall talk for a while before Kylie yells out from the kitchen. It was then when you realised she never came back. You're kinda glad she didn't because if she did then maybe you wouldn't of gotten to know the pretty brunette.

You and Kendall walk side by side towards the dining table. You notice that you're a couple of centimetres taller than her, even though she's wearing heels. You smirk at the thought and take a seat at the table. Before Kendall could sit next to you, Kylie came in, quickly sliding into the seat that Kendall was going to take. She glares at her sister before walking around the table to sit across from you.

Small talk was made around the table as we ate the roast chicken that mum had prepared. "So, Y/N, how old are you now?" Kris asks. You swallow your food before answering.

"I'm 18 in a month."

"Oh! Kendall's also turning 18 this year!" You chuckle amusingly, looking at the brunette across from you and seeing that she's also smiling. "Are you still in high school?" You nod.

"Yeah actually. I'm a senior at Cross High."

"Oh cool," Kendall pitches in. "I'm starting there on Monday," you smile at the thought of having to see her nearly every day but it falters as you realise all of the people that'll be all over her. You don't know why that makes you mad but it does. You take a sip of your water, trying to cool yourself down.

"Any boyfriends, Y/N?" Kris suddenly asks and you try not to spit the water out of your mouth. Instead, you swallow it as fast as you can, resulting in you having a coughing fit.

"Mum!" Kendall shouts.

"What? She's very pretty, is she not? I'm just curious Kendall. No need to get so mad," you clear your throat, grabbing both of their attentions.

"I- uh- no. I don't have a boyfriend. I'm gay," you say, awaiting a reaction from someone but it didn't come. Kris remained smiling and no one else looked mad or annoyed.

"Well then, any girlfriends?" She asks genuinely curious and you chuckle.

"No, I'm very much single," you swear you see Kendall's lips turn upwards into a smile upon hearing your words.

You and the Jenner family talk for awhile before Kendall decides that she's tired. You offer to walk her back to her place and she happily agrees, taking your hand in hers as she walked out the door. You feel electricity flowing through your veins just by feeling her warm skin touch yours.

"What about you?" You ask, breaking a comfortable silence.

"What about me?"

"Any boyfriends?" You wiggle your eyes suggestively as she giggles and shakes her head.

"Nope, no boyfriends for me," your jaw drops and you suddenly stop in the middle of the footpath. She stops as well, looking at you with her warm eyes. Honestly, they've got to be the prettiest brown eyes you've ever seen. Are all the boys blind or something?

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm gay," she says with a shrug and continues to walk home, not releasing her grip from your hand for a split second. In fact, you may be imagining it but you think that the grip on your hand gets a little tighter. You smile over her confession, thinking that maybe, just maybe, you'll get the chance to be with the beautiful girl.

You're soon standing outside her front door, staring at her as she tries to put her key into the lock.

"What?" She says as she catches you staring at her. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No! No, you're just... you're just really beautiful," you blurt, but you mean it. She really is beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful people you've ever met. She blushes and hides her face into her hands. You can't see her mouth but you know she's smiling.

"T-Thanks, you're, uh, you're not too bad yourself."

"Sooo, Miss Jenner," she lifts her head up to look you in the eyes. You just about forget what you were going to ask her but luckily you didn't. "Do you think I could get your number?"

"You're very straight forward, Miss Y/L/N," you shrug, a slight smirk playing on your lips.

"It's better than being pretentious," she giggles, nodding her head in agreement. "And besides, I'd like to take you out sometime."

"Hmm, okay. But only under one condition," she says while boldly wrapping her arms around your neck, pulling you closer to her. You're surprised by your body's actions when it comes to Kendall. Your arms instinctively snake around her waist, but it feels natural. Like you had done it many times before. Your breath hitches in your throat and she smirks, obviously proud of your body's reaction to her movements. You seem to fit together perfectly. She smiles, realising the same thing.

"I'm listening..." you barely choke out as her eyes stare you down softly. You want to look away but you can't. She has you hypnotised but you like it. Her eyes are those of which you'd never get tired of looking into.

"Don't make me regret my decision."

"Oh trust me babe, when you're with me, you'll have a hard time returning back to normal."

She giggles and gives you a heart warming smile before entering her number into your phone, pecking your cheek goodnight and leaving you outside of her porch, wondering if that was all a dream.

If you have any requests, don't hesitate to DM me or post a comment! Thanks for reading! 💖

Kendall Jenner Imagines ↠ Kendall JennerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz