February/March 2017 - Results and Update

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Hello everyone!

We are so sorry we have been so inactive lately. March kind of snuck up on us. We have been so busy dealing with school and extra-curriculars that YWC slipped our minds, and we're sorry for that. Part of the beauty of YWC is that it's run by Young Writers, but that comes with it's own challenges. Currently I am writing up the next few contests so this won't happen again. 

As for February, we got no entries despite quite a bit of interest so there no results to give for this month. We value your feedback, so if you could leave a comment below as to why you didn't enter last month's contest it would be very much appreciated. We're just curious and want to be able to make this club the best it can be. 

Next month, we'll have a brand new contest for you, in the meantime you can check out our brand new Twitter (wattpadywc) and visit our website wattpadyoungwriters.tumblr.com (Tumblr is just our domain host, a fancy name for the way we get a website for free, Its formatted like any other website and you DON'T NEED TUMBLR TO USE IT)


Brooke and Beck

ContestsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora