Junko Enoshima

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 Despair is the best way to describe her. She has no reason for committing her crimes. She only does it for despair. She is manipulative to anyone who stands in her way or who she can use for her own personal gain. She is cunning and highly intelligent. Her plans are extremely detailed. She is a highly toxic individual and is very abusive to her sister. She is bored with her life and talent. She created multiple personalities to make her life more exciting. Despair is what really excites her though. It's unpredictable and she follows it close. She's evil and full of despair. She killed her sister and lover to bring her more despair. She manipulated children into killing adults. She created the remnants of despair. She invented the idea of the killing school life. She forced countless people into murder. Revolts were started from her madness. She plunged the world into despair. She is the Ultimate Despair, (Ultimate Analyst).

  She is the Ultimate Despair, (Ultimate Analyst)

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