A world filled with dreams.

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Before the 20th century, settling with someone other than their soulmate was greatly frowned upon. It isn't a sin but during those times, it was considered one.

As the world opened up more, people got braver and realized that one could love even if it wasn't the person they weren't destined to be with. As years moved on, outside soulmate marriage was finally allowed.

The world got lighter after such law has been passed. People were more affectionate and merciful in terms of civilization. Slowly the world actually became a better place.

Even though soulmates are still as real as ever, however in the 21st century, it's considered more as a myth. In this modern era, it's hard enough to fall in love and stay committed in a relationship, which makes looking for soulmates even more impossible.

There are few people who have met and found their other half but fewer only had the chance to be together. It's tragic and sick but really, if the stars can't allow it then who are we to decide?

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