Brohm- Honey and Sugar

Mulai dari awal

The silence was broken by a bell ringing and a gust of freezing air mixed with the once warm air. I was a bit interested as to who the person who entered the store was.

"Hello Mari!" A voice spoke with a giggle to follow.

I was now very interested in this person by how beautiful they sounded.

"Oh sugar! I didn't except you to be here so early," Mari replied to the voice.

"I didn't either but I got here quicker than usual. Must be since there aren't as many people outside because of the weather."

"Well I'm glad you came here today sugar," Mari replied.

My mind debated whether I should keep working or see who this person was. I knew Mari wouldn't be upset with me for being curious, but at the same time I knew I should just keep working. Finally, just giving up, I moved to see whoever this was. To say I was extremely suprised was an understatement.

The man is roughly four inches taller than me and has the prettiest blue eyes. His blonde hair was pushed to the left side of his head with a few white specks of snow on top. He had on a purple jacket and dark grey jeans that were breathtaking on him. I felt myself blush at the sight of the handsome stranger.

"Oh, Ryan! There you are. Come over here," Mari ordered.

Each step I took made my heart beat faster as the distance between the man and I got shorter. I stood beside Mari, with my body facing the stranger. He seemed to be staring at me so I tried to avert my gaze from him.

"Ryan, this is Bryce. He comes here everyday, so he's basically family," Mari explained

Bryce. God, even his name was adorable.

"Hi! Nice to meet you Ryan," Bryce spoke and put his hand out for me to shake it.

I blushed and shook his hand, "Nice to meet you too, Bryce," His name rolled right off my tounge and I loved it.

Once his hand let go of mine it felt cold. I internally sighed at the loss of contact. When I went to turn to look at Mari, I noticed she left which confused me. Not knowing what to do I looked at Bryce who was surprisingly staring at me. I felt myself turn red, for the millionth time, and quickly looked away.

"Uh- I'll be around if you need anything," I told Bryce and walked off without waiting for a response.

As I kept walking I'd often see Bryce just browsing or admiring the items. I figured that he did this a lot. He never seemed to say in the same place though. I'd move somewhere and see him. Then, I wouldn't move and he'd be at the other side of the store. Half of the time I was just finding Bryce and the other half of the time I was actually working.

The bell announcing someone had opened the door dinged. Curiosity grew inside me again but was soon disappeared by gloom.

"I'm heading out now Mari," Bryce stated simply.

"Oh, okay! You be safe out there sugar!" She replied.

I rushed to the door to say goodbye to Bryce and I wasn't sure why it was so important to me.

"I will," He replied.

"Oh you're leaving already?" I casually asked Bryce before he left.

He turned to face me and smiled, "Yep but I'll be back tomorrow. Bye Ryan!"

I smiled, "Bye Bryce! Can't wait to see you tomorrow."

I sound so desperate now. Ugh.

He giggled, "Same here."

Bryce shut the door and waved at me through the window. My grin grew bigger and I waved goodbye back.

"You have a crush on him, don't you honey?" Mari asked.

"No! Uh- no. I just," I paused, "I find him interesting."

Mari laughed and shook her head, "Whatever you say honey. Soon you'll realize how much you like the boy."

"I-I already know how much I like him," I tried to defend myself.

Mari gave me a knowing look before returning back to whatever she was doing. My head pounded with thought. I wondered how much I actually did like Bryce. There's so much I want to know about him. I'm very interested in him, I guess. When will I get to learn more about him? When will I get to ask him if he wants to hang out? When will I get to sort out my feelings towards him?

I guess I'll just have to wait.

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