"It'll be okay." I reached over and grabbed a hold of her hand, "everything is going to work out. I promise."

"I don't know anymore, it isn't looking that way."

"My counsellor always tells me, stay positive even in negative situations. It's like finding the light at the end of the tunnel. It may seem rough now, but you're going to make it."

"I hope so," she used a napkin and patted under her eye, trying not to mess up her makeup. Her phone rang and I let go of her hand, allowing her to answer it.

I looked around and caught the same guy staring in my direction, he stared at me as if he knew all my secrets and as our eyes connected he was bold enough to continue to glare. In front of him sat a very pretty, light skinned girl, she flipped through the menu though; not realizing he was ignoring her as she spoke. They were both dressed in complimentary black outfits, he wore a black button down and black slacks meanwhile she wore a pair of leather tights and a black turtle neck.

I cleared my throat, and returned my attention to Rochelle who was now consumed in her phone call. I mouthed to her that I was going to the washroom, and she gave me a nod. I got out of booth I was in, and walked through the packed restaurant, finding my way outside instead of going to the washroom as I said.

"Can I bum a smoke off you?" I asked one of the Asian guys that were leaned up against the side of the restaurant. He pulled one from the pack, and I placed it in between my lips as he lit it for me. "Thank you," I said, before walking away from until I got to the back.

I didn't like cigarettes too much, but they were the only legal thing that kept me calm nowadays. I took a couple of puffs before leaning back on the cold brick wall; blowing the smoke into the air.

"You know you need something stronger."

I looked over my shoulder to see the same man that was staring at me in the restaurant, a normal person would be creeped out but surprisingly, his calm demeanor showed me I had nothing to fear. "How'd you know?" I asked.

"I know a user when I see one." He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a little baggy. It had been forever since I saw the white substance. A grin grew on my face as he extended it to me.

"I don't have any money." I said, not taking my eyes off of it's beauty. "Nor do I offer sexual favours." Without a word, he placed it into my palm that I didn't even know was opened until now. I closed my fingers around it and smiled.

"I don't want any of that."

"Thank you." I finished off my cigarette and threw it into the road. There was a park close to my rehab centre, and since it was almost time for curfew I could easily get high before I snuck in. I nodded to my idea and, tried to walk back inside but he grabbed my arm, pulling me back to him. "What the...?" I pulled out of his grasp and looked at him. "You said it was free."

"I didn't say all of that now..."

"Then what do you want for it?" I dug into my pocket pulling out nothing but my four months clean chip and a hair pin. "I don't have anything."

"I don't want that... I want something else."

"You said you didn't want sex."

"I don't."

"Then what do you want then?"

"I want you to tell me where your friend Alonzo is."

"What?" I raised my brow, and his calm demeanor grew cold. I instantly felt nothing but fear.

"Don't play dumb."

I ignored him, and looked around and hoping one of the bystanders would see what was going on but since I was behind the building, it was useless. "Who are you?"

"I asked you a question first Alex." My eyes widened and he began to chuckle. "Yes, I know who you are. I know that you and Alonzo used to be an item... is that right?"

"Why does it matter?"

"Because, I need more information on his whereabouts."

"Why would I tell you that?"

He chuckled again, then reached over, pushing my hair out of my face. "Because you don't have a choice."

"Listen, I don't know what the hell is going on. I am not going to tell you anything. So, thanks again for my fix, but you're bugging." I attempted to walk away again but he grabbed me back with full force. Placing his gun up to the side of my head. "No..." I squealed out, before he hit me in my mouth with the gun.

"Shut the hell up. Now don't play with me, I want more information now."

A tear slipped out, as I touched my lip, realizing that it was bleeding and as I ran my finger over my bottom row I could tell that it was cracked. I felt him press the gun back to my head, and chills ran down my spine, I could no longer fight back any tears. "I... I don't know, honestly. Alonzo and I had a falling out a few months ago; as far as I am concerned... he moved on with his life, and has a baby on the way."

"Where does he live?"

"I don't know..." he shifted he gun and I jumped a bit, "I promise... I don't know where he lives... but I know he works at Evans & Co. He's a security there..." I know I wasn't supposed to snitch but I wasn't going to risk my life for a man that no longer want anything to do with me.

"Where's that?"

"Downtown, Toronto. But it's owned by Charlotte Evans... and that place is crawling with police."

"You think I'm afraid of police?" he asked, smiling at me. He dropped the gun down to his side and placed it back on his hip.

"May I go now?"

"In a minute." he said before he pulled out a white rag from his pocket. I watched the light skinned girl he was with walk up to him, with concern on her face.

"What the hell is going on here?" she asked, looking lost. She must not have been apart of this and woman-to-woman I knew she would have my back.

"Please get him to stop. He's trying to kill me." I cried, trying to pull out of his tight grasp.

"You have got to be kidding me!" she said, looking up at him. "You said you would stop doing this. Look at this poor girl." She turned to me. "I'm so sorry for my brother's behaviour," she pulled me out of his grip and gave him a disapproving look. He sucked his teeth and walked away from the two of us.

"Are you okay?" asked me. I nodded, and wiped away my tears with the back of my hand. Now that I knew I had backup, I felt a lot better. "Please excuse him."

"Thanks for stepping in."

"No problem girl, I know how it is to feel vulnerable and it doesn't feel good." She fixed my clothes for me and rubbed my shoulder. There was a moment of silence before she stared into my eyes, hers were now darker than before, "But on the bright side, ... I know this feeling will be worse." She backhanded me hard, sending me flying into the trash cans behind us. I groaned, and tried to stand up but she was already over me.

In her hand,she had the rag that he had previously, she held it over my mouth and nose,immediately I began to smell some kind of chemical. I tried to fight her offbut she had a strength to her. "Don't worry, when you wake up... you won't evenremember this happened." I continued to try and pry her hands off me, until...the whole place went dark.

II: The Revelation (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now