I'm Glad You Came

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Adam's POV:

"We're here." Said Tommy as I opened my eyes since I had fallen asleep. I got out of the car and Tommy got out too. 

"Sorry." He said.

"Of?" I asked.

"This." He said and he pushed me to the ground. I watched as he ran off into a forest in front of me. I started to panic. I was by myself.

"Tommy?" I yelled. "TOMMY!" I started to get scared. I took my phone out and put it on flashlight. When I aimed it down, I saw red, pink and white flower petals on the ground. The light lit more of those petals, making a trail. I saw a tree with a note. I took it and saw it had writing.

Follow the trail

                               -- A 💙

"Okay." I said and followed the petals.


I made it to the end and saw a clearing with red, pink and other color leaves on the ground and some blossoms from trees were also falling. I walked to the middle of the clearing where the moonlight was beaming down. I then heard. . .music? I looked around me and saw Isaac with a drum set, Tommy with a guitar, and Monte with another guitar. Someone hit me in my back. I rubbed my back, but felt something stuck on it. Ugh another note. This time it had something else.

Enjoy what you're about to see. I hope you like it and I also hope you say yes to something I'm going to ask you. You can say yes or no. It's up to you.

        --- A

I shrugged and saw someone coming out behind some branches. The branches moved, spreading even more of the pink leaves and blossoms. Adrian was all dressed up, but he was singing. What surprised me the most was his hair: black and the tops a little yellowish.

 What surprised me the most was his hair: black and the tops a little yellowish

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(A/N: Adrian's style)

The way he moved and sang along with that smirk kept my eyes on him. I covered my mouth as he walked towards me. He took my hands in his and I put my hands on his shoulders, telling myself not to cry. He made me.

But if I had you,
That would be the only thing I'd ever need.
Yeah if I had you, the money, fame and fortune never could compete
If I had you, life would be a party it be ecstasy.
Yeah if I had you, you y-y-y-y-y-you, you, y-y-y-y-y-you, you, y-y-y-y-y-you.
If I had you

He smiled and twirled me. I giggled and smiled. Wow! I never remembered someone doing this for me.


He stopped singing and threw the microphone he had to his side. Ashley, and the others gathered around us. I looked at Adrian and he stroked my cheek.

"You're so beautiful tonight." He said and I blushed.

"Thank you." I said in a low voice. "I like your outfit. You're handsome and your hair color makes you even handsomer."

"Aww thanks." He said and I chuckled. He took my hands in his and I smiled at him. "Addy I want to ask you something."

"Yeah?" I asked.

"When I met you, and we started to hang out, I felt something in me telling me that you were someone special." I wanted to cry, but I already felt the tears making their way down my cheeks. Adrian smiled and wiped them away. "And here, standing right here in front of you makes me feel like I have found the one I know is the most precious thing in my life. Now I'm asking you, Adam Mitchel Lambert, will you be my boyfriend?" He bend down and pull from behind him five red roses. I covered my mouth as I cried. I nodded and took the roses from him, pressing them to my chest.

"Yes Adrian." I said. "I'd love to be your boyfriend." He smiled and stood up. With that, I bend down to put the roses down on the grass. I stood up, facing Adrian. He rested his hands on my waist and I put my hands on his cheeks. With that I stood on my tippy toes and my lips connected with Adrian's lips. I closed my eyes as he kissed me.

"WOO!!" Cheered Tommy and the others as I heard clapping and whispering behind me while I was kissing Adrian. His lips were so warm against mine. We slowly pulled back and I stared into Adrian's beautiful rich golden eyes. 

"I love you." I whispered.

"I love you to the end, beautiful." Adrian replied and I hugged him tight, not letting go of my boyfriend. 

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