Character Profile

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Hi there wonderful Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings fans. I am going to be writng a version of the Hobbit with an extra character and a couple of added scences. A couple of pairings for this story include Thorin/OC (Romance) Kili and Fili/OC (Friendship) I DO NOT own any of the the characters in this story apart from Liliana all the Credit goes to J.R.R Tolking he is such an amazing writer. There will be some spoilers in here to for people who havent read the book or scence the movie!!

Character Profile:

Name: Liliana

Age: 76 (Around 27 in human years)

Weapons: Axe, sword, bow and arrow

Personality: She is a bright girl, bubbly and  always smiling, she would do anything for her family and friends. She is brave and willing to put herself in harms way if it saves her friends.

The picture on the right is Liliana

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