Scents [Edited]

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Time seemed to slow down as I watched Lucas lunge another attack at Havoc, the skin of his knuckles broken and bloodied. Havoc having shaken off his daze, shifted to meet Lucas' punch. They met in a clash of flesh, the deadly dance even faster than before. 

My eyes were transfixed on the two fighters, their movements graceful and fluid, moving as if they were on air. Each attack was efficient, not a movement was wasted, yet the force behind the punches and kicks was so brutal that the air trembled with it. My grip of the rubber barrier tightened as I fought against the desire to swing into the ring and stop the fight. For each punch delivered was a pain to my heart.

The sudden ding of the bell snapped me out of my trance and I looked up to see Havoc and Lucas at the middle of the ring. Their chests were heaving with exertion, sweat dripping from their hair as they stared relentlessly at each other, neither one willing to back down. 

Frustration and anger welled up in me as, I swung myself into the ring, landing softly on the balls of my feet. I strode purposefully to the pair and put a hand on each of their hard chests. Both of them towered at least a head over me, dwarfing me, but at that moment, it was my aura that dominated. I gave them a both a hard shove that had the force of their gaze snapping to me.

I was not perturbed, rather anger simmered from me, a hot lash that had the glowing in their eyes dimming. I looked from Havoc to Lucas, my eyes glaring daggers at them for still wanting to fight.


The whispered command was a whip in the silence that had both of them flinching. My eyes swept over them, noting the bruises and scratches that sent blades slicing into my heart. It was painful to see them hurt. It was a struggle to keep my composure, to stop myself from reaching out as my gaze landed on the cut on Havoc's chin. But even then, I looked into his eyes, allowing him to see how much this fight had hurt me. 

Havoc reached out for me but I stepped back from them, cradling my hand to my chest. Instantly his hand fell to his side, balled into a fists. Turning my back to them, I took in a deep breath, pushing my shoulders back and raising my chin.

"I don't like it when the people I care for fight each other," I said softly, my voice echoing in the silent room. "I don't understand why you are fighting but know that whatever it was could not have been worth the pain you have put me through." 

I walked away, cognizant to the sharp intakes of breath from the two. I didn't know if they understood the depth of what I said. Pushing my way into the locker room, I sighed and plopped myself down on the soft mattress that Gary had put out for me. I knew that opening my heart would mean pain, but I was unprepared for the avalanche of emotions that threatened to drown me. 

I was afraid. Afraid that such emotion would be my downfall, yet I could not resist for I longed to be love and to love at the same time. I stared at my hands, retreating into my mind where everything was as I wanted, peaceful, tranquil.  In my mind, my demon wrapped itself around me, its echo of voices hauntingly calming. It was thirsty. Hungry for blood. Spurred by the pain within me. 

A while more amour noster, we'll get our revenge I promise you...


I opened my eyes to sound of rain falling against my windows. The soft pitter patter  was a lull to my senses. Stretching against the softness of my mattress, I left out a puff of breath. It had been a week since I stayed at Ring. I could no longer return to my father's house. I had no doubt that Fiona would have staked her minions out there in hopes of catching me. But she too, I was sure, would not return to that house. It no longer held any value other than a dull bait for me.

The Cinderella PunkHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin