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Mark Miles and his son Andy are having a bad morning.

'Where's Gary?' says Mark. 'He isn't usually late. The truck is ready. Everybody's waiting.'

Then Gary Slater comes to the office. He is ill. 'I've got a bad arm, Mr Miles,' says Gary. 'I'm very sorry, but I can't drive today.'

Just then Kim Parker arrives. She is a student. Her father is one of Mark's drivers. She is working in Mark's office in her holiday.

'Good morning, Mr Miles,' says Kim. 'What can I do first?'

'Can you drive a truck?' says Mark with a little laugh. 'I've got tables in Faversham and wine in Lyon-and no driver!'

'Yes, i can drive a truck,' says Kim. 'I've got a licence.'

'Wonderful!' says Mark. He is looking happier. 'Have you got a passport?'

'Of course. It's at home.' Suddenly Mark is much happier.

'OK. Can you take a truck to France? Here is some French money and these are all the papers-read them carefully.'

'Can I go too, Dad?' asks Andy. 'I can't drive a truck, but i can drive a car and read a map-and I can speak French. Perhaps I can help Kim.'

'And you want to go to France. I know! OK, you two. Run home and get your passports, your overnight bags and some sandwiches. There are sleeping bags in the truck, and a mobile phone too. When you come back, go and look at the map with Gary. He drives to France every week. He can tell you about it.'

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